
  • 网络doric;Doric chiton;Doric Order;Doric-style
  1. 同时,它也是雅典全盛时期的纪念碑;帕台农融合了希腊本土的多利安式建筑及周边区域的爱奥尼亚式建筑风格,象征一个由雅典政治文化主导的强大泛希腊联盟。

    However , it was also a monument to the power of Athens itself ; the Parthenon combines the Doric architecture of the Greek mainland with the Ionic style of outlying areas to symbolize a strong , Panhellenic league with Athens at its political and cultural forefront .

  2. 帕台农融合了希腊本土的多利安式建筑及周边区域的爱奥尼亚式建筑风格,象征一个由雅典政治文化主导的强大泛希腊联盟。

    the Parthenon combines the Doric architecture of the Greek mainland with the Ionic style of outlying areas to symbolize a strong , panhellenic league with Athens at its political and cultural forefront .