
  1. 本文首先讨论信息化与多媒体视讯业务的关系,然后对视频压缩技术,视频传输中的QoS技术,宽带网络建设中的光纤接入、无线接入等技术作概括性分析与讨论。

    First discuss about the relation of the informationalization and the multimedia video business , then make a general analysis and discussion about video compression technique , the QoS technique in video transmission , fiber access technique Wireless access technique and so forth in broadband construction .

  2. VOD:家庭多媒体视讯新概念

    VOD - A New Concept for the Family Multimedia Video Communication

  3. 发展多媒体视讯业务的若干关键技术

    Several Key Technology of Developing the Multimedia Video Business

  4. 网络是多媒体视讯业务发展的基础

    Network is Foundation of Multimedia Video Communication Service

  5. 多媒体视讯技术发展分析

    Analysis on Development of Multimedia Video Communication Technology

  6. 本文从多媒体视讯业务发展的角度论述了网络带宽和网络技术的重要性。

    The article introduces the importance of network broadband and technology from the standpoint of multimedia communication service development .

  7. 随着网络通讯业近年的飞速发展,多媒体视讯行业加快了发展的步伐。

    With the high-speed development of the network and communication , the industry of multimedia video frequency meeting is also growing faster and faster .

  8. 提出了一种多区域分布式网守架构,提供了多媒体视讯会议系统在大规模网络部署的方案。

    A distributed H.323 gatekeeper architecture based on multiple zones was proposed , providing the solution for the deployment of multimedia video conferencing system on the large scale network .

  9. 本文设计的桌面可视IP电话会议系统即是基于计算机网络,采用多媒体PC作为视讯终端的桌面视频会议系统。本文首先采用H。

    The " Desktop Visual Meeting System over IP " designed in this essay is a kind of Desktop Video Meeting System which bases on internet and uses multimedia PC as the terminal equipment of video communication .