
  • 网络Cellular;cellular technology;cellular technique
  1. 为了适应CDMA蜂窝技术在我国的发展,保证不同厂家的CDMA终端和系统设备在CDMA网络内的互通性,CDMA终端厂家通常会进行终端现场测试。

    In order to meet the development of CDMA cellular technology in China , ensure the interoperability of different manufacturers ' system equipment and terminals in the CDMA network , usually , CDMA mobile terminal manufactures will perform field test in the target countries and cities .

  2. 虚拟小区多层蜂窝技术在战术通信中的应用

    Application of Multitier Cellular Technology with Virtual Cell in Battlefield Mobile Communication System

  3. 因此,WLAN技术可以为任何蜂窝技术提供完美的带宽补充。

    So the WLAN technology can offer wide supplement for any honeycomb technology perfectly .

  4. 但是,相对蜂窝技术,WLAN的覆盖范围要小得多,所以基于节约投资等因素的考量,WLAN只能部署在诸如机场、宾馆等热点地区。

    However , the coverage of the WLAN is much smaller than honeycomb technology , so considering the economical of the investment , the WLAN can only be disposed in the focus areas , such as airport , hotel etc.

  5. PHS是无线市话的简称(俗称小灵通),它是一种依附现有固定电话网络采用微蜂窝技术实现无线覆盖的个人接入系统。

    PHS ( Personal Handy-Phone System ) is the easy name of the wireless telephone . It is a kind of personal access system attached to the settled telephone which could realize wireless covering by micro comb technology .

  6. 基于移动蜂窝技术的远程心音信号分析处理

    Analysis and Processing of Heart Sound Signal Based on GPRS Transmission

  7. 一些人想用微蜂窝技术来解决这一问题。

    Some people see microcell technology as a solution .

  8. 三星在蜂窝技术专利方面背景深厚,手里着实有些可打的法律硬牌。

    Samsung , with its deep portfolio of cellular telephony patents , has some strong legal cards to play .

  9. 把蜂窝技术和热管技术结合起来应用于平板式太阳能热水器,可以大大减少热损失,提高日平均效率。

    Applying cellular technology and heat pipe technology in flat plat solar water heater can greatly reduce heat losing and enhance average daily coefficient .

  10. 随着电子技术的发展和蜂窝技术的不断完善,无线通信事业在世界范围内得到迅猛发展。

    With the development of electronic technology and cellular technology continues to improve , the wireless communications industry in the world are developing rapidly .

  11. 由于蜂窝技术和移动电话的特性,摩托罗拉曾是很多人生活中一个重要组成部分。

    But , owing to the nature of cellular technology and mobile phones , Motorola has played an integral part in many people 's daily lives .

  12. 近年来,移动蜂窝技术的高速发展以及因特网用户的迅速增长预示着新的市场潜力,并由此而发展出新的通讯业务:蜂窝无线数据业务。

    The impressive growth of cellular mobile telephony as well as the number of Internet users promises an exciting potential for a market that combines both innovations : cellular wireless data services .

  13. 它采用微蜂窝技术,将用户端(即便携电话手机)以无线的方式接入本地电话网,使传统意义上的固定电话不再固定在某个位置,可在无线网络覆盖范围内自由移动使用。

    It adopt cell technology , the user ( Handyphone ) can access local telephone network by wireless , and the traditional fixed phone not be limited anymore , it can free move in the cover range .

  14. 蜂窝IP技术及其拓扑结构探讨

    Cellular IP technology and its topological structure

  15. 然后对蜂窝IP技术进行了简单介绍,指出了将该技术应运到无星际链路的星座通信系统中的可行性。

    Then the paper introduces some concepts of cellular IP , and gives us the feasibility of using it into a constellation satellite communication without inter-satellite link .

  16. 蜂窝IP技术适用于密集区域通信,能够处理由于频繁的位置更新以及跨区切换所带来的移动性管理问题。

    Cellular IP technology is applied to the intensive regional communications , and is able to handle the mobility management which is caused by frequent location updates and cross-handover problems .

  17. 贵阳PHS网络通信系统,采用的是微蜂窝通信技术。

    PHS network communication system of GuiYang , it was little cellular communications technology that was adopted .

  18. 中国电信巨头华为已经进行了全世界第一场5G蜂窝网络技术测试,使用的是有望成为全球5G标准的3.5GHz频段技术。

    Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei has carried out the world 's first field test of fifth-generation cellular network ( 5G ) technology using a 3.5 GHz band , which is expected to become the global 5G standard .

  19. 电火花磨削复杂型面蜂窝结构技术

    Technical of EDM grinding for complex profile honeycomb structure

  20. 传统的蜂窝网络技术在容量、覆盖和成本方面面临一系列的局限性。

    The traditional cellular systems have limitations in capacity , coverage and cost .

  21. 随着蜂窝通信技术的发展,基于蜂窝网络的移动端定位技术正成为人们研究和应用的热点。

    With the development of communication technology , especially the cellular communication , the research and application about radiolocation based on network become highlighted in recent years .

  22. 而车辆组合导航系统是ITS应用研究的一个主要方面,是集定位系统、地理信息系统、数据库查询系统、数字蜂窝通讯技术等于一体的综合系统。

    One important aspect in ITS is the vehicle navigation system which is found on global position system , geographic information system , database search system and GSM system .

  23. 因此,如何有效利用有限的频谱资源保证通信质量是蜂窝网络技术研究中的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , effectively utilizing the limited resources of electromagnetic spectrum and thoroughly maintaining the communication qualities become one of the most important issues in the management system of a cellular network .

  24. 在分析移动通信室内信号覆盖的必要性和介绍微蜂窝覆盖技术的基础上,以实际应用的例子说明了采用微蜂窝室内信号分布系统实现室内信号覆盖后取得了良好的效果。

    : Based on the analysis of mobile communication indoor signal coverage and the introduction of microcellular technology , the paper exemplifies the good result after adapted microcellular indoor signal distributed system .

  25. 华为在美国和中国提起诉讼,对据称的侵犯知识产权行为提出索赔,这些知识产权包括与三星手机使用的蜂窝通讯技术和软件相关的专利。

    The group has filed lawsuits in the US and China seeking compensation for infringement of intellectual property , including patents relating to cellular communications technology and software used by Samsung 's mobile phones .

  26. 采用无线蜂窝网络技术,在城市区域内建立多个基站,使网络信号覆盖配电自动化的通信设备,可以保证自动化数据的及时采集和传输。

    The technology of wireless cell network , making the signal of the network cover the communication equipments of DA by building many base-stations in the city , can ensure that the automation data can be transmitted in time .

  27. CDMA蜂窝系统定位技术的发展与展望

    The Development and View of Cellular Position Location Techniques in CDMA

  28. 手机蜂窝移动定位技术是一种不依赖于GPS的无线导航与定位技术,具有广阔的研究和应用前景。

    The cellular mobile phone location is a wireless navigation and positioning technology which does not dependent on the GPS , it has broad research and application prospects .

  29. B3G环境下蜂窝无线定位技术及其应用于测速的研究

    Location Estimation Techniques in B3G Cellular Network and Its Application in Velocity Estimation

  30. 随着无线蜂窝网3G技术的到来,话音、视频、数据等多媒体综合业务将成为网络的主流业务。

    With the emergence of the 3rd generation of wireless cellular networks , multimedia traffics , such as voice , video , data , etc. , become the leading services provided by networks .