
  • 网络Honeycomb pitted surface;voids and hungry spots
  1. 桥梁混凝土蜂窝麻面的防治

    Prevention of the Voids and Pits on Bridge Concrete Structure

  2. 混凝土结构表面蜂窝麻面形成原因及处理措施

    Forming reason of honeycomb pitting surface of concrete and processing measures on it

  3. 混凝土蜂窝麻面在水工中的危害及防治

    The Harm of Voids and Pits of Concrete to Hydraulic Engineering and Its Prevention

  4. 跨海大桥桥墩立柱,公路高架桥的桥墩立柱等建筑物经常存在蜂窝麻面、水线等表面质量问题。

    There are often quality problems of rough surface and waterline on bridges spanning the sea and highways .

  5. 首先,不合理使用脱模剂是造成硬化混凝土结构表面蜂窝麻面的主要原因。

    First of all , the irrational use of release agent is a concrete structure caused by hardening the surface of the main reasons for cellular surface Ma .

  6. 如果再加上振捣不合理,大气泡不能完全排出,肯定会给硬化混凝土结构表面造成蜂窝麻面。

    If the unreasonable vibration , large bubbles can not be completely discharged , would certainly have resulted in hardening the surface of concrete structure surface cellular Ma .

  7. 目前在各类隧道的二次衬砌工程中,普遍存在在着开裂、渗水、蜂窝麻面等质量问题,严重影响了混凝土的美观和耐久性。

    At present in all kinds of tunnel , the cracking , permeating , honeycomb were widespread , these problems impacted on the beautiful and durability of concrete seriously .

  8. 从而有效控制了转换层梁板裂缝、下挠、露筋、蜂窝麻面等质量缺陷的产生,达到了超高层建筑转换层无质量缺陷施工的目的。

    All these techniques controlled the cracks , downwarping , reinforced steel exposure , the exterior alveolate etc quality defects effectively , realized the no quality defect construction goal of the transformed level of super high-rise building .

  9. 从结构物混凝土的原材料、配合比、施工过程、养护、修补、使用等方面分析了桥梁混凝土蜂窝麻面产生的原因,并提出了预防措施及修补方法。

    This paper analyzes on the reasons of the generation of the voids and pits of bridge concrete structure from the aspects of materials , mixture ratio , construction process , maintenance , repair and use , and advances some prevention measures and repairing methods .

  10. 结构物外露的表面应平整,无蜂窝、麻面、露筋及空洞。

    The exposed surface of the structure shall be even , and shall be free from honeycombs , pitting surface , exposed reinforcing bars and cavities .

  11. 表面蜂窝、麻面、孔洞的识别则是在灰度图像的条件下提取特征参数;

    But the diagnostic parameter of the other defects for recognition , suchlike rock pocket , surface voids and holes , can be extracted in grey image ;

  12. 在建筑工程现浇混凝土施工中经常存在着蜂窝、麻面、孔洞、露筋、裂缝等一些质量通病。

    The common problems in quality such as the honeycomb like and bitted surface , reinforcement exposure , and crack often occur in the construction of cast in situ concrete .

  13. 结合多年的实践经验,对蜂窝、麻面、孔洞、缝隙夹层等几种常见的混凝土缺陷的形成原因进行了分析,并提出了相对应的预防措施,以达到保证工程结构质量的目的。

    Combined with experiences , it analyzes causes of mass defect on concrete including honeycomb 、 surface voids 、 holes and slot interlining , prevention measures are putted forward to ensure project quality .

  14. 对混凝土的蜂窝、麻面、强度偏高或偏低、板表面不平等常见质量通病的产生原因进行了分析,针对此情况,提出了相应的预防措施及其处理方法,以保证混凝土的工程质量。

    According to common quality defects of concrete such as honeycomb , surface voids , low strength and so on their causing reasons are analyzed ; at the same time corresponding prevention and treatment measures are proposed in order to ensure engineering quality of concrete .

  15. 根据在水利水电工程施工中多年积累的实践经验,简要阐述了现浇混凝土施工中常见的一些质量缺陷,如混凝土出现蜂窝、麻面、孔洞、露筋、裂缝、表面不平整、强度偏低等。

    According to author 's practical experience accumulated in many years of water project construction , the author gives brief description to some common quality defects in cast-in-site concrete construction , such as honeycomb , ballast-surface , holes , reinforcement emerging , crack , surface unevenness , insufficient strength etc.