
  1. 在小开度、淹没出流情况下,如果止水橡胶损坏,水和闸门的相互作用将导致闸门产生破坏性的振动。

    In the case of small opening , submerged discharge , and water-stop rubber damage , the interaction between water and gate may cause vibration which result in gate damage .

  2. 通过向裂缝中灌入胶粘剂和在坝体混凝土表面粘贴止水橡胶板,有效地解决了大坝裂缝的渗水问题。

    Pouring the caulking adhesive into the cracks and bonding the anti-water rubber plates on the surface of the concrete dam body effectively resolved the problem of water permeating for the cracks of heavy dams .