
  • 网络foreclosure
  1. 但这在很大程度上要归因于低迷市场中大量丧失止赎权的房屋的销售。

    But that was largely because of brisk foreclosure sales in stressed markets .

  2. 另外饱受止赎权之苦的十个州里,只有密歇根州不处在阳光地带(美国南部和西部),是因为汽车的相关问题。这些地方的人们现在发现,不幸的房产所有者深受破产之痛,已经不限于经济利益。

    Of the ten most foreclosure-prone states , only one - Michigan , with its car-related problems - lies outside the sunny south and west . As these places are now discovering , it is not just unfortunate property-owners who feel the reverberations of such monumental busts , nor are their effects confined to pocketbooks .