
  • 网络overnight repo
  1. 我国货币市场的参考利率一般有隔夜回购利率、7天回购利率和央行票据的发行利率。

    The overnight repo rate , 7-day repo rate and bank note issue rate are the major reference rates of China monetary market .

  2. 他表示,提升超额准备金利率应该在短期利率正常化过程中起到核心作用,而隔夜逆回购机制则有可能用来为货币市场利率设置下限。

    He said raising interest rates for excess reserves should play a central role in normalising short-term interest rates , while an overnight reverse repo facility could be useful in setting a floor for money market rates .

  3. 隔夜质押式回购利率已回落至5.83%,仅为上周水平的大约一半,但仍为正常水平的两倍左右。

    The overnight bond repurchase rate fell to 5.83 per cent , more than half what it was last week , but still about twice as high as normal .

  4. 根据这项名为隔夜固息逆回购工具的计划,美联储从所持大规模国债中借出债券以置换具备资质的金融机构手中的现金。该计划是在去年9月份启动的。

    The program is called an overnight fixed-rate reverse repurchase facility . Under the program , which the Fed started in September , the Fed lends bonds from its large holdings of Treasury securities in exchange for cash from eligible financial firms .