
gé cāng
  • Compartment;bay;lobe
隔舱 [gé cāng]
  • (1) [bay]∶飞机机身上任何一个分隔间

  • (2) [lobe]∶气球包囊有时由内部索具张力分隔开的几个舱之一

隔舱[gé cāng]
  1. JZ-6以一个安装在机身内前轮隔舱后面的可缩回侦察舱为特色。

    The JZ-6 features a retractable reconnaissance bay mounted inside the fuselage aft the nose wheel bay .

  2. 油船主船体隔舱划分的神经网络专家系统

    A neural network expert system for tanker subdivision

  3. 建筑型式及人工调控通风方式对育肥猪舍环境的影响隔舱式员工气压调节室

    Effects of construction types and manual modulations of ventilation on environmental conditions of finishing pig houses

  4. 多少各隔舱进水?

    How many compartments flooded ?

  5. 模糊运算在潜艇破损主隔舱进水量计算中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Operation to Calculate of the Weight of Water in Damaged Main Cabin of Submarine

  6. 第二子级的芯级有一个最多可以运载4.5吨有效载荷的隔舱。

    The second stage core unit also included an upper compartment in which a payload of up to5.4 tons was accommodated .

  7. 船舶类-护栏网、隔舱网、救生网、旋梯网、防滑网、阻燃网络系列。

    Ships and boats-retaining block , compartment storage net , safety net , gangway net , non-slip net , fire-retardant network series .

  8. 历史文献中记载的水密隔舱源远流长,考古发掘中水密隔舱海船遗物不断发现。

    In historical documents , watertight compartment has a long history , watertight compartments ship relics also continually found in archaeological excavations .

  9. 采用方程分析和定律分析相结合的方法,给出了坦克隔舱化爆炸模拟试验所需的相似律。

    The analogue law that is used in the tank compartmentalizing experiment is established by combining the equation analysis and the law analysis .

  10. 根据一定建模原则,选取隔舱装载和重压载两种典型工况,建立某散货船虚拟测试模型。

    The two typical load cases of alternate loading and heavy loading were selected and virtual test model for some bulk carrier was set up by certain modeling principle .

  11. 由于船壳破损,海水进入甲板下左舷水密隔舱,使驳船失去平衡,最终导致了货轮及所载货物一起翻沉。

    Because of the damage to the hull , seawater rushed into the under-deck watertight compartment on port side , the barge lost its balance and sank finally together with the loaded cargo .

  12. 这样,水密隔舱的意义远比当初所宣称的抗沉、分隔货区之用途要高,它是中国文化在造船技术上的典型代表。

    In this way , the watertight compartments significance is higher than originally claimed that resistance to sinking and the separating the cargo area , it is a typical representative of Chinese culture in shipbuilding technology .