
dǎo dàn xún yánɡ jiàn
  • missile cruiser;missile-cruiser combination
  1. 五年之后的1988年,两伊战争结束前,一架航班号为655的伊朗航空客机在从德黑兰飞往迪拜的过程中被美国海军文森斯号导弹巡洋舰击落。

    Five years later , in 1988 , Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was gunned down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes as the Iran Iraq war drew to a close .

  2. 美国导弹巡洋舰于周一驶入我国南海湛江港口,开始了对我国海军总部为期5天的友好访问。

    Two US guided-missile ships docked Monday in the port of Zhanjiang , home of the South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Navy , kicking off their five-day goodwill visit to China .