
dǎo dàn hù wèi jiàn
  • guided missile frigate
  1. 最后的[公爵]英国海军23型导弹护卫舰

    UK Royal Navy 's Type 23 Missile Frigate

  2. 表面效应舰艇的[领跑者]:俄罗斯海狮级导弹护卫舰

    Russian " Sealion " Class Missile Frigate : A Pioneer of Surface Effect Ship

  3. 澳大利亚的瓦拉蒙加号和中国的“洛阳”号导弹护卫舰一起参加了这次演习。

    The vessel took part in the drill alongside the Chinese warship , the Louyang .

  4. 新的幽灵战斗机和导弹护卫舰女神在对抗灵活的虫族空军时被证明是一个笨拙的组合。

    The new Wraith combat fighters and Valkyrie missile frigates proved to be an unwieldy combination against agile zerg airborne organisms .

  5. 中国还派遣4000吨级导弹护卫舰徐州号赶赴利比亚附近海域,那里距离北京有5500英里之遥。

    It also dispatched a 4,000-ton missile frigate , the Xuzhou , to waters off Libya , 5,500 miles from its own capital .

  6. 这个舰队还包括了“洛阳”导弹护卫舰和一个训练船。

    The fleet includes a missile frigate " Luoyang ", which landed in Wanson in Democratic People 's Republic of Korea or North Korea on Thursday .

  7. 在导弹驱逐舰、护卫舰和潜艇上任职的士官,都经过院校深造或正规的专业培训,有的在新装备研制阶段就开始接受系统的理论和实操培训。

    Navy officers serving on board destroyers , frigates , and submarines have received either advanced education in college or formal professional training . sometimes , training in theory and practical operation of systems starts as early as in the research and development phase of new equipment .