
dǎo lùn
  • introduction ;introductory remarks
导论 [dǎo lùn]
  • [introduction] 论著正文前概要论述全文或全书的中心思想,以指导帮助读者阅读的部分,也叫引论

  1. 她的导论是客观公正的典范,是对爱尔兰历史的生动概括。

    Her introduction is a model of fairness , a lively summation of Irish history .

  2. Fusion方法导论

    An Introduction to Fusion Method

  3. 请首先阅读印刷生产基础导论。

    Please first read the introduction on the fundamentals of print production .

  4. 该论文包括6章内容:第l章,导论。

    The paper consists of six chapters : Chapter 1 , Introduction .

  5. 主要内容有:第一章导论。

    The main contents are : the first chapter is introduction .

  6. 马克思主义哲学导论课教学法探索

    To Explore the Teaching Methods of Introductory Course of Marxist Philosophy

  7. 康德《未来形而上学导论》对《纯粹理性批判》的理论超越

    Theoretical Transcendence of Kant 's Prolegomena over Critique of Pure Reason

  8. 《计算机导论》课程内容及体系结构改革研究

    Research on Innovating Contents and Systematic Structure of Introduction to Computer

  9. 英美违约解除制度导论

    On system of discharge of contract in Anglo and American law

  10. 首先为导论部分。

    The first of all is the part of the introduction .

  11. 具体安排如下:第一章:导论。

    Specific arrangements are as follows : Chapter I : Introduction .

  12. 信息技术与应用导论双语教学实践与探讨

    Bilingual Teaching of " Introduction and Application of Information Technology "

  13. 论文的第一部分是导论。

    The first part of the thesis is the introduction .

  14. 具体内容概括如下:第一章导论。

    The specific contents are summarized as follows : Chapter ⅰ Introduction .

  15. 第一章导论介绍了本文的思路和逻辑体系。

    Chapter ⅰ introduces the main ideas and logic of this dissertation .

  16. 论文共分为五章进行论证:第一章,导论。

    The thesis is divided into five chapters : Chapter ⅰ, Introduction .

  17. 全文由导论和正文六章组成。

    This paper consists of an introduction and six chapters .

  18. 全文包括如下六个部分:第1章是导论。

    This study includes six parts as following : Chapter1is the introduction .

  19. 体育创新教育研究导论

    Introduction to the Research on Creative Education of Physical Education

  20. 导论:介绍中国民航的发展、租赁的重要作用及本文的研究意义。

    Preamble introduces the development and the function of CAAC .

  21. 护理学导论采用结构型沉浸双语教学效果探讨

    Effect of Bilingual Teaching with Structured Immersion Education on Introduction to Nursing

  22. 我也很开心被安排在“导论”这一节。

    And I 'm also thrilled to be in the foreplay section .

  23. 导论部分是本文的写作基础。

    The Introduction is the basis of the whole article .

  24. 六朝唯美诗歌研究导论

    Introduction to the Study of the Aesthetic Poetry of the Six Dynasties

  25. 试论《中国学报编辑学导论》的特色

    Tentatively Talking about the Features of Chinese Journal Editing Introduction

  26. 析波斯纳《法律的经济分析》之导论

    Review : Introduction of Bosna 's Economic Analysis of Law

  27. 生产力概念的重构&生态力导论

    The Reconstruction of Productive Forces Concept Introduction to Produce-balanced Forces

  28. 第一部分,导论与文献综述。

    The first part , introduction and literature review .

  29. 本文的结构如下:第一部分,导论。

    The paper is structured as follows : The first part , Introduction .

  30. 企业人员遣散技术导论

    An Introduction to the Dismissal Skill of Enterprise Staff