
  1. 在尼采哲学中,道德哲学是一个非常重要的方面。

    In Nietzschean philosophy , moral philosophy is a very important aspect .

  2. “生命”是尼采哲学的主题。

    Life is the subject of nietzsche 's philosophy .

  3. 浅论尼采哲学的疯狂

    On the " Madness " of Nietzsche 's Philosophy

  4. 主体性、谱系学和身体&福柯对尼采哲学的接受

    Subjectivity , Genealogy and Flesh & Foucault 's Acceptance of Nietzsche 's Philosophy

  5. 尼采哲学中的超人研究

    The Study of Superman in Nietzsche 's Philosophy

  6. 尼采哲学的文学意义

    The Literary Significance in Nietzsche 's Philosophy

  7. 尼采哲学新探

    New Research on Nietzsche 's Philosophy

  8. 论尼采哲学的反科学主义思想资源

    On Nietzsche ' Anti-scientism Thought Resources

  9. 总体上来说,西方对于尼采哲学是非常重视的。

    On the whole , the western world paid great attentions to the philosophy of Nietzsche .

  10. 但因为历史等原因,我们对他的研究缺乏共识,使尼采哲学不像其他哲学一样有着明确与完备的解读。

    Because of historical and other reasons , the research of his thought is lack of consensus .

  11. 文明与道德批判的转向:道德主义抑或审美主义?&卢梭与尼采哲学之比较研究

    The Turn of Civilization and Moral Criticism : Moralism or Aestheticism ? & A Comparison of Rousseau and Nietzsche

  12. 尼采哲学思想的主轴:以权力意志为准则重估一切价值

    The Main Clue of Nietzsche 's Philosophy : Revaluation of All Values Based on the Standard of the Will to Power

  13. 他听那人向他解释起奴隶道德,便懒懒地想起了自己的尼采哲学。

    He listened to the man expounding the slave-morality , and as he listened , he thought languidly of his own Nietzsche philosophy .

  14. 尼采哲学主要包括三大相互联系的部分:价值重估、权力意志论、超人学说。

    The philosophy of Nietzsche includes three related parts , namely , the reappraised value , the will to power and the theory of superman .

  15. 知识问题是尼采哲学的核心问题,而身体则是尼采观察研究知识最独特的位置和角度。

    Knowledge issue is key issue of Nietzsche 's philosophy , but health is most unique position and most appropriate angle from Which Nietzsche studies knowledge .

  16. 而这个从变化到权力意志的途径,也表达出了尼采哲学中对证成生命的终极关怀。

    Following this approach , this very route from becoming to the Will to Power also conveys the ultimate concern in Nietzsche 's philosophy to justify lives .

  17. 近代理性中对个体生存的本质把握是片面的,所以这一时期,人的觉醒和人的发现最后在尼采哲学中以对理性的全面颠覆而告终。

    On account of the limited rationality to the individual survival essential assurance , their efforts finally come to an end with comprehensive subversion to the human ration by Nietzsche .

  18. 德国哲学家海德格尔首次廓清了尼采哲学的基本思路,并断言尼采是西方历史上最后一个形而上学家,传统的形而上学在尼采那里终结了。

    The German philosopher Heidegger firstly clarified the basic train of the Nietzschean philosophy and asserted that Nietzsche was the last metaphysician in western history and traditional metaphysics ended to Nietzsche .

  19. 茅盾以开阔的视野,以为我所用的精神借鉴尼采哲学,充分体现了他对于外国文化穷本溯源、取精用宏的正确态度。

    With a broad vision , Mao Dun has drawn on Nietzschean philosophy in the spirit of " utilization to my benefit ", thereby having fully reflected his correct attitude towards foreign culture .

  20. 本文从古代到近代最后到现代三个历史时期出发,回顾价值哲学的发展历程,把尼采哲学放在历史长河中去考察不难发现它的本质就是一种价值哲学。

    The article recalled the value of the course of development of philosophy from ancient to contemporary to the modern . To put philosophy of Nietzsche into an inspection tour of history is not difficult to discover the essence of which is a value philosophy .

  21. 尼采悲剧哲学的生存可能性

    The possibility of existence for Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 's tragic philosophy

  22. 非道德主义的道德&尼采道德哲学研究

    Morals of Non-Moralism & Philosophical Study of Nietzsche Morality

  23. 尼采在哲学领域的影响是世人皆知的。

    Nietzsche was wel-known in the field of philosophy .

  24. 它有两种基本类型:原创的权力意志和颓废的权力意志,这一思想鲜明地体现了尼采的哲学&伦理学的价值论特征。

    This theory embodies the axiological characteristics of Nietzsche 's philosophy & ethics .

  25. 尼采的哲学思想是通过一种独特的文体表达出来的,而且,尼采对此有极为清醒的自我意识。

    Nietzsche expresses his philosophic thoughts in a unique style with sober self-consciousness .

  26. 尼采在哲学上的贡献是少有的,也是多方面的。

    Nietzsche greatly contributed to philosophy in many ways .

  27. 尼采生存哲学的内在理路和终极关切

    The Internal Logic and Ultimate Concern of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 's Philosophy of Existence

  28. 透视尼采生存哲学

    Perspective of Nietzsche 's Philosophy of Existence

  29. 尼采的哲学贡献

    On Nietzsche 's Contribution to Philosophy

  30. 在当代,尼采超人哲学中所提倡的自由精神仍对我国的思想发展具有借鉴意义。

    Now we should learn from the spirit of the freedom in the philosophy of Nietzsche 's superman .