
  1. 绝对真理和相对真理之间存在的是包含和转化的辩证关系;

    The relation of absolute truth and relative truth is dialectical .

  2. 绝对真理和相对真理

    Absolute and relative truth

  3. 认识与真理:人类永无止境的发展之路&试析恩格斯对绝对真理和相对真理辩证关系的论述

    Knowledge and Truth : The Endless Way of Mankind 's Development & Analysis on Engels ' exposition for man 's thinking

  4. 第二,在绝对真理和相对真理关系问题上,忽视对立统一的精髓问题;

    Second , ignore the crucial problem of the unity of opposites in the relationship between the absolute truth and the relative truth ;

  5. 现行哲学教材关于绝对真理的内涵界定是值得商榷的,这种界定难以合理说明绝对真理和相对真理的辩证关系。

    The defined connotation in the current philosophy textbook is worth discussing , for it cannot explain the dialectic relationship of absolute truth and relative truth .