
  • 网络Absolute positioning;css;position absolute
  1. 51单片机C语言编程中的绝对定位问题

    Absolute Location in Programming With C Language for the 8051 MCU

  2. GPS静态绝对定位方程的相对论修正

    Relativistic Correction of the Static Absolute Position Equation of the GPS

  3. GPS绝对定位算法的研究及其DSP实现

    Research on the Algorithms of Absolute Positioning and Its DSP Implementation

  4. GPS测码伪距绝对定位的几种算法

    The algorithms for absolute GPS positioning with code pseudorange

  5. 限定记忆法在GPS伪距静态绝对定位中应用

    Windowed - Data RLS Application in GPS Pseudo - Range Static Absolute Positioning

  6. GPS绝对定位解算方法探讨

    Probe in Calculation Method for GPS Absolute Positioning

  7. 机载条带SAR图像绝对定位方法研究

    A Method of Absolute Positioning of Air-borne Strip SAR Image

  8. 分析了全球定位系统(GPS)的静态绝对定位原理。

    The static absolute position principle of Global Position System ( GPS ) is analyzed .

  9. 在小比例尺地质测量中,用GPS单点绝对定位技术测定地质点,减少了控制测量环节,降低了成本。

    It abolish control and reduce cost in small-scale geological survey that locate single geological dots utterly using GPS .

  10. 因此GPS绝对定位在地质工程测量中仍然有应用的前景。

    So absolute fixed position in GPS still have the applied foreground at geologic engineering of the small scale .

  11. 研究了在进行GPS静态绝对定位时,误差经过多长时间会稳定在一个较小的范围内。

    This paper studies how long the error will be stable in a small range on GPS static absolute positioning .

  12. 由此可见,GPS具有长时间绝对定位的稳定性而DR具有短时间相对定位的稳定性,两者具有很强的互补关系。

    Thus , GPS has long time absolute localization stability but DR has short time relative positioning stability .

  13. 在这里,你能学到关于onetruelayout和构建DIV绝对定位会发生什么。

    Here , you can read about the one true layout or learn what happens when you nest absolutely-positioned div ' s.

  14. 基于X射线脉冲星的地球同步卫星绝对定位方法填充上照影剂后用X射线照动脉。

    Absolute Position Determination for Geosynchronous Satellite Using X-Ray Pulsars an X ray of an artery filled with a contrast medium .

  15. 首先讨论了星载GPS几何法实时定轨的绝对定位方法和各种差分技术。

    First , the point positioning and all sorts of differential GPS techniques are discussed on GPS based geometric orbit determination in real time .

  16. 本文在介绍GPS基本原理的基础上,主要研究GPS多普勒频移估算的方法和GPS绝对定位算法。

    Based on the principles of GPS system , the Doppler Frequency-shift Estimation of GPS and absolute positioning algorithms have been studied in this thesis .

  17. 理论分析和实例表明,该方法确定的运动载体近似坐标与GPS绝对定位提供的近似坐标相比,精度有明显的提高。

    Analysis and examples show that using this method to estimate the approximate coordinates , the accuracy is obviously improved comparing with the approximate coordinates provided by GPS .

  18. 根据GPS绝对定位的基本方程,给出了主成分解的形式及消除病态方程组的ε分解解算方法。

    This paper presents the decomposition forms of main component and calculation method of decomposition to remove ill-conditioned system of equation according to basic equation of GPS absolute positioning .

  19. 在瞬变电磁测深测地工作中,用手持式GPS单点绝对定位测定测点三维坐标,减少了控制测量环节,节约了成本。

    In the working of transient electromagnetic depth sounding , making single absolute positioning by the pocket GPS to measure three-dimensional coordinates can reduce amount of work and cost .

  20. 所有现代浏览器均支持JavaScript、CSS、绝对定位和在运行时对visibility属性这样的动态元素进行设置。

    All modern browsers support JavaScript , CSS , absolute positioning , and the setting of dynamic elements like the visibility attribute at runtime .

  21. 文中对GPS伪距静态绝对定位计算提出了限定记忆法以避免数据饱和现象和法方程病态,仿真计算结果表明效果很好。

    This paper presents the windowed - data RLS in GPS pseudo - range static absolute positioning , which is aimed at avoiding the phenomena of data saturation and ill - conditional state equation , computer simulation shows the result is efficient .

  22. 本论文分析和比较了多种遥感图像的定位方法后,指出了距离&多普勒(R-D)定位原理作为SAR图像象素绝对定位模型的优势。

    After comparison of several location methods of remote sensing image , Range-Doppler ( R-D ) theory is proved to have advantages as the footstone of pixel location model of SAR image .

  23. PHI高光谱影像的实验结果表明,文中的校正算法可达到优于1.5m的绝对定位精度及0.7m的相对精度。

    Test results using PHI hyperspectral image prove that the rectification algorithm developed in this paper can reach the absolute positioning accuracy of better than 1.5 meters and the relative accuracy of 0.7 meters .

  24. 为了解除这些困扰,W3C在新的CSS中包含了一个绝对定位的特性,他允许设计者将页面上的的某个元素定位到任何地方,除了平面上定位,还增加了三维空间的定位Z-INDEX。

    In order to relieve these puzzles , W3C has contained an absolute fix characteristic in new CSS , it permited the designer locate some element to any place on the page , not only in parallel localization , but also increased three-dimensional space localization Z-INDEX .

  25. 针对现有超声波绝对定位方法不足及超声波传播的特点,提出了冗余超声波信息融合法(FMRUI)。

    Aiming at weakness of the existing ultrasonic absolute positioning method and the ultrasonic propagation characteristic , the fusion method for redundancy ultrasonic information ( FMRUI ) is proposed .

  26. 不可以在绝对定位元素上使用这个属性。

    You can not use this property on absolutely positioned elements .

  27. 磁悬浮列车脉宽编码式绝对定位系统

    Absolute positioning system based on pulse width coder in maglev train

  28. 并对传统的绝对定位法、多重相对定位法和波形互相关技术的结果进行比较。

    The re location results were compared with that from traditional absolute location .

  29. 但是,绝对定位时必须做到:(1)合理选择校正的控制点(三角点或四角点);

    But must attain : ( 1 ) select the control point reasonablety ;

  30. 磁悬浮列车绝对定位系统的研究

    Research on absolute positioning system of maglev vehicle