
chè zhǒu
  • handicap;impede;make things difficult for sb.;hold sb. back by the elbow;hold sb.by the elbow
掣肘 [chè zhǒu]
  • [impede;handicap;hold sb.by the elbow;make things difficult for sb.] 拉住胳膊,比喻阻挠别人做事

  • 廉平掣肘,实为异事。--《梁武帝敕》

掣肘[chè zhǒu]
  1. 随着贸易与环境冲突的日益激烈,必须采取有效方式进行协调,否则二者的互相掣肘必然影响到各自领域的发展。

    With the conflict between the trade and the environment getting more and more severely , effective measures must be taken to regulate it , otherwise the handicap between them would affect their developments .

  2. 因此结论是:除了经济已经达到充分就业和严重坏帐掣肘商业银行放款这两种情形外,货币不是中性的。

    Therefore , a conclusion can be drawn that money is not neutral unless in the following two situations : one is that there is full employment in economy and the other is that the bad debts are too serious to handicap the commercial banks to loan .

  3. 这件事办得很顺利,没有人掣肘。

    As there was no one making things difficult for us , we settled the matter smoothly .

  4. 此外,efsf仍然受到其自身运行机制的掣肘。

    The EFSF also remains constricted by its own operating rules .

  5. 安哲秀的支持者把他比作巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)是2008年份那个大有希望的奥巴马,而不是2012年那个受到掣肘的奥巴马他代表着对旧式政治的抛弃。

    Mr Ahn , whose supporters compare him with Barack Obama – the promising 2008 vintage , not the corked 2012 version – represents a rejection of old-style politics .

  6. 农村信用社改革六大掣肘

    The Six Major Impediments in Reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives

  7. 但是在可预见的将来,管理公共财政将对政治产生掣肘作用。

    But managing public finances will govern politics for the foreseeable future .

  8. 德国的经济自由主义被政治联盟掣肘;

    Liberalisation in Germany is blocked by coalition politics ;

  9. 我们面临的挑战就如同他们的掣肘一样无处不在。

    Our challenges are nowhere near as daunting as they were back then .

  10. 这在需要集成多个串口设备的场合显得十分掣肘。

    How can we do in the case of integration of multiple serial devices ?

  11. 农牧矛盾尖锐化是草原畜牧业可持续发展的根本掣肘因素

    A Discussion on the Factors Restricting the Sustainable Development of Animal Husbandry in Grasslands

  12. 受人掣肘的感觉真不好受。

    The feeling of constriction was terrible .

  13. 第四,地缘政治也是掣肘能源外交的重要因素。因此,如果俄罗斯政府在能源战略上出现重大判断和运作失误,也可能给外交带来负面影响。

    Hence , any wrong judgment on energy strategies may produce negative effects on Russian diplomacy .

  14. 正是某些管理难题,成为党报推行品牌战略的掣肘。

    Party organ confronts many management problems in the process of carrying out the brand strategy .

  15. 这三个权力核心之间的相互掣肘是默克尔举步维艰的原因之一。

    The push-me , pull-you between these three power centres is one reason why Ms Merkel is constrained .

  16. 这些制度性因素均对欧盟共同外贸政策的连贯性和有效性产生相当程度的掣肘。

    All these institutional factors contribute to curbing andhandicapping the coherence and effectiveness of the Common Commercial Policy .

  17. 广东省现行道路运政管理体制的矛盾和问题,越来越成为全省道路运输事业健康发展的掣肘因素。

    At present , the highway traffic management system has exposed some problems and symptoms in Guangdong province .

  18. 因为选民们不喜欢目前德国力挺的救助欧元区风雨飘摇中的国家的计划,默克尔夫人的同盟已经开始处处掣肘。

    Mrs Merkel 's coalition is slumping in part because voters dislike giant German-backed rescues of shaky euro members .

  19. 如不分科,就会造成了语言教育和文学教育互相掣肘、两败俱伤的局面。

    It may lead to an internecine situation if Chinese language teaching and literature teaching were interblend into one subject .

  20. 立法审议作为立法程序中的关键环节,其审议质量的高低直接掣肘着所立之法的质量。

    As the key part in procedures of legislation , the quality of legislative deliberation will affect the quality of legislation directly .

  21. 然而,中小企业外源融资约束却成为钳制其发展潜力和速度的主要掣肘。

    However , SMEs ' external financial constraint is one of the factors that prevent their potentials and speed for further development .

  22. 酒店客人可以舒适、安全地前往市内主要商务、观光、购物和娱乐区,没有交通方面的掣肘。

    Together these provide fast , traffic-beating transportation to key districts around the city for business , sightseeing , shopping and entertainment .

  23. 我赞成秘密访问,因为这样我就不必受舆论界和批评我的人事先定的规定的掣肘。

    I favored secrecy because it freed me from the necessity of living up to criteria set beforehand by the media and critics .

  24. 西部城市化发展滞后,严重阻碍着西部经济发展,形成工业化与城市之间的相互掣肘。

    The development of urbanization in the west is serious backward , hindering the economic development and making difficulties between industrialization and urbanization .

  25. 但在实施能源政治与外交战略的过程中,俄罗斯也受到多方面因素的掣肘。

    Nevertheless , in the process of enforcing its energy-resource politics and diplomatic strategy , Russia is restrained by factors of various types .

  26. 文学的审美追求与政治功利的现实需要互相掣肘,理论主体强烈的政治幻想与艺术直觉、逻辑思辨相互排斥。

    The aesthetical pursuit of literature and the utility needs conflict each other . And His political illusion and artistic intuition are mutually exclusive .

  27. 当前,我国战略性服务产业存在市场化掣肘、组织结构不合理、竞争力偏弱等问题。

    A few problems exist in the development of strategic service industries such as non-market oriented , irrational industrial organization , incompetence and so on .

  28. 湖北文学要完成在跨世纪之旅中所需承当的新质构建,就必须突破当下掣肘文学发展的阻滞机制。

    In order to achieve the new-quality construction in its cross-century tour , Hubei 's literature must break through the mechanism that impedes literary development .

  29. 司法鉴定受到诉讼规则的严格制约和诉讼效率价值的掣肘而具有了诉讼品格。

    Due to strict restriction in procedure rules and the impediment from the value of justice efficiency , judicial expertise has the character of suits .

  30. 遗憾的很,卡梅伦对他的首相任职期间缺乏任何具有条理性的打算,因此处处受到环境的掣肘。

    Sad to say , Mr Cameron lacks anything resembling an organising purpose for his premiership and is thus blown hither and thither by circumstance .
