
  • 网络sohag governorate;Suhaj
  1. 第二例为来自索哈杰省的一名七岁男童,他于3月26日出现症状并于3月29日住院。

    The second case , a7-year-old boy from Sohag Governorate , developed symptoms on26 March and was hospitalised on29 March .

  2. 第五例是索哈杰省索哈杰区的一名3岁男孩。

    The fifth case is a3-year old boy from Sohag District , Sohag Governorate .

  3. 政府于4月5日宣布的第9例为南部索哈杰省一名16个月女童。

    The ninth case , announced by the government on5 April , is a16-month-old girl from the southern governorate of Sohaj .