
  • 网络Absolute Calibration
  1. 文章主要叙述了三线阵立体相机的工作原理,定标内容、目的以及CCD裸片像元检测和整机的相对定标和绝对定标过程。

    The camera working principle , calibration purpose , and content , nude chip detection , and the process of the relative and absolute calibration in the Laboratory are introduced .

  2. 星载遥感器的可见和近红外波段的绝对定标

    Absolute calibration of visible and near - infrared sensors on satellites

  3. 外部校准是实现合成孔径雷达(SAR)系统绝对定标的有效途径。常规SAR外部校准方法不适用于低频超宽带SAR系统。

    External calibration is an effective way to calibrate absolutely the synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ) system , but the external calibration method used for conventional SAR system cannot be implemented for low frequency ultra wideband ( UWB ) SAR system .

  4. 绝对定标等速、等加速穆斯堡尔谱仪

    An Absolute Calibration Constant Velocity and Constant Acceleration M (?) ssbauer Spectrometer

  5. 相关光子方法绝对定标光电探测器量子效率应用研究综述

    Investigative summarization of correlated photons and application in absolute quantum efficiency calibration of detector

  6. 星载光谱辐射亮度绝对定标装置

    Spectral Radiance Absolute Calibration System for Satellite

  7. 利用敦煌戈壁滩辐射校正场可进行FY2B可见光通道的在轨绝对定标。

    The radiometric calibration on orbit for FY-2B 's visible channels might be running with the radiometric calibration site of Dunhuang 's Gobi .

  8. 本文讨论了激光能量计绝对定标装置中所采用的开关特性对定标精度的影响。

    This paper discusses the dependence of the absolute calibration accuracy on the characteristics of the switch used in the equipment for calibrating calorimeters .

  9. 这个辐亮度与卫星通道的计数值比较得到该通道绝对定标系数。

    At last the apparent radiance of sensor spectral channels are compared to the digital count of satellite 's output to give the calibration coefficient .

  10. FY2B是自旋稳定卫星,红外通道无法进行在轨星上绝对定标。

    The FY 2B is a satellite with the spin stabilized attitude , it is had to make the absolute calibration for its IR channel while the satellite is in orbit .

  11. 文中简要阐述目前辐射定标的三方面工作,飞行前的绝对定标,飞行中的星上定标以及飞行中利用辐射校正场的绝对定标。

    This paper synopsises the radiant calibration technique in three fields : the absolute calibration before flight , on-board calibration in flight and the absolute calibration applying radiant calibration field in flight .

  12. CBERS-02热红外波段绝对辐射定标及其不确定性分析

    Absolute Radiometric Calibration and the Uncertainty Analysis of CBERS-02 TIR Band

  13. 利用大洋浮标数据和NCEP再分析资料对FY-2C红外分裂窗通道的绝对辐射定标

    Absolute radiometric calibration of FY-2C infrared split-window channels by using sea buoy data and NCEP reanalysis data

  14. 采用辐照度基法对FY-1C气象卫星可见近红外通道进行绝对辐射定标

    In-flight Radiometric Calibration for VIR Channels of FY-1C Satellite Sensor by Using Irradiance-based Method

  15. 利用青海湖水面辐射校正场对FY-1C气象卫星热红外传感器进行绝对辐射定标

    In-Flight Radiometric Calibration for Thermal Channels of FY-1C Meteorological Satellite Sensors Using Qinghai Lake , Water Surface Radiometric Calibration Site

  16. 材料和方法:在常规照射和低熔点铅(LML)重过滤初始γ束条件下,用三维水箱自动测量装置和剂量仪分别测量PDD、OAR和绝对剂量定标后的K修正系数。

    Material and methods : The values of PDD , OAR and the correct factor K of absolute dose were measured with 3D-water-tank , and Farmer 2570 dosimeter for open fields and low melting point lead heavy filter fields , respectively .

  17. 介绍另一种在轨卫星传感器绝对辐射定标&辐照度基法定标,并利用敦煌辐射校正场对FY1C卫星可见近红外通道进行定标。

    This paper describes another in flight method for satellite sensor absolute radiometric calibration , named irradiance based method which was used to calibrate the VIR channels of FY 1C with Dunhuang site .

  18. 星载遥感器在飞行时的绝对辐射定标方法

    Methods for the In-flight Absolute Radiation Calibration of Space-borne Remote Sensors

  19. 提出了相对辐射定标和绝对辐射定标的方法。

    The relative radiometric measurement and absolute radiometric measurement were proposed .

  20. CBERS-2CCD相机绝对辐射定标系数验证与评价

    Validation and Assessment of CBERS-2 CCD Camera 's Absolute Radiometric Calibration Coefficients

  21. 光学仪器实验室绝对辐射定标及现场质量跟踪

    In-lab Calibration of Optical Instrument and Its field Quality Tracking

  22. 利用野外光谱辐射计传递实现太阳辐射计绝对辐射定标

    Implement of Solar Photometer Calibration by Transferring of Radiometric Radiator

  23. 敦煌场地CBERS-02CCD传感器在轨绝对辐射定标研究

    In-flight Absolute Calibration of the CBERS-02 CCD Sensor at the Dunhuang Test Site

  24. 卫星传感器的绝对辐射定标是遥感数据定量化应用的前提和基础。

    Absolute radiometric calibration of satellite is the foundation of quantitative application of Remote Sensing data .

  25. 为保证现场测量离水辐射率的精度,对现场测量光谱仪进行严格的实验室绝对辐射定标是必不可少的。

    In order to ensure the measurement precision of water-leaving radiance , it is vital to calibrate the optical instruments in lab.

  26. 因此,完成对该传感器热红外通道的绝对辐射定标,成为目前亟待解决重要问题。

    So , finishing absolutely radiometric calibration of CBERS-02 IRMSS thermal channel had become an urgently important problem to be solved .

  27. 提出一种新的绝对测量定标方法,并作了误差分析.这种方法基本上具有口面定标法的优良性能;

    A new calibration method was presented for 8mm measuring radiometer . The error of antenna temperature was analyzed in this method .

  28. 卫星遥感器绝对辐射定标系数的有效性检验,是对卫星遥感精度进行全面评价的最有效手段之一。

    It 's one of the most available means of general satellite remote sensing accuracy assessment to validate the absolute calibration coefficients of the satellite-based sensor .

  29. 利用该发射率光谱测量结果,可以在敦煌戈壁&中国遥感卫星辐射校正陆面场,对目前国内外主流的遥感卫星热红外通道进行在轨场地绝对辐射定标。

    With these measured emissivity spectra , all of the mainstream thermal infrared remote sensors can be calibrated using Dunhuang Gobi surface at radiometric calibration site of China .

  30. 利用该装置对积分球和其它光电设备进行了绝对辐射定标,证实能够满足辐射定标与测量精度的要求。

    The use of the device on the other points the ball and made optoelectronic device is radiation-calibration , and confirmed to meet the radiometric calibration and measurement accuracy .