
běn dòng
  • peculiar motion
本动[běn dòng]
  1. 大尺度本动速度场的相关性与势流分析

    Correlations of Large Scale Peculiar Velocity Field and the Potential Flow Analysis

  2. 我一直希望你为本动手术

    You were the one I always wanted to operate on Ben .

  3. 本文介绍了近一年来对星系大尺度本动运动的理论分析的最新进展。

    In this paper we introduce some new progresses which were made in the past one year on theoretical analysis of large scale peculiar motions of galaxies .

  4. 由大尺度本动速度场的相关性分析得出,半人马座的三个椭圆星系团可能主导着椭圆星系样品的速度相关函数。

    The correlation analysis on large scale peculiar velocity field shows that three clusters of elliptical galaxies in Centaurus region may dominate the velocity correlation function of elliptical galaxy samples .

  5. 计算机仿真和样机实验均表明,本作动器的各项指标均能满足某飞行器的要求。

    Computer simulation and prototype experiment made clear that each index of this actuator could satisfy the aircraft 's demand .

  6. 本桥梁动挠度测量系统采用惯性基准仪器光纤陀螺仪作为采集器件,从一个独特的应用方向作了全新的研究尝试。

    This design gives a new study way to measure the dynamic deflection of bridge by using the optical fiber gyro .

  7. 本公司动平衡机产品已成系列化生产,产品技术性能指标已达到国际先进水平。

    The dynamic balancing machines are all series manufactured in our company , the technical performance index of which has already reached international advanced level .

  8. 全球变暖带来的后果之一就是物种灭绝,有确凿证据表明全球变暖将成为本世纪动植物物种灭绝的重要驱动因素。

    One consequence of global warming is extinction , there is compelling evidence that global warming will be a significant driver of many plant and animal extinctions in this century .

  9. 首先结合超低频振动台的运动特性,提出了管线拖曳跟踪装置的技术参数;然后以此为依据选择随动系统的控制电机及运动导轨;最后对本随动系统的控制方案进行了阐述。

    First , technical parameters of dragging device were addressed according to motion characteristics of ultra-low frequency vibration table . Then , controlled-motor and motion rail of servo system were chosen according to its parameters .

  10. 由于离合词大多数都是动宾型的结构,而用如动宾的这一部分本不是动宾结构,只是由于错误类推等原因造成了他们的动宾性,因此更具有特殊性和代表性。

    The acrostic is mostly to move the bin-type structure , but with parts of the verb not a verb-object structure , but due to the error and so on , and other reasons caused the verb , so the more special and representative .

  11. 他对本的妈妈动起粗来。

    He became violent and abusive toward Ben 's mother

  12. 结果本组不动杆菌总β-内酰胺酶的检出率为78.6%(99/126)。

    Result The β - lactamase ratio was 78.6 % .

  13. 以前本是水生动植物的天堂的地方,正慢慢的变干了。

    What used to be a paradise for aquatic species is slowly becoming parched .

  14. 本部分从不动产的保有、有偿转让和无偿转让三个环节对我国现有的不动产税制体系提出了优化设计方案。

    This part design of the immovable property tax system on maintain , free transfer and transfer .

  15. 我这些天的主要工作,除了做一名母亲,就是写一本关于不动产规划的个人理财书。

    My main job these days , besides being a mom , is writing a personal-finance book about estate planning .

  16. 曼切斯特前锋再度因为膝盖伤势无法比赛,他本赛季已经动过一次膝盖手术了。

    The Manchester City striker is out with a knee problem , on which he has had one operation already this season .

  17. 针对本机床中气动执行元件的不同工作条件和形式设计了简单可靠的气动回路。

    Meeting all kinds of working conditions and forms of pneumatic actuators in the machine , a simple and reliable pneumatic circuit is put forward .

  18. 结论:沸石能有效控制本模型中动、静脉的致命性出血,显著降低死亡率。

    Conclusion : The application of zeolite can successfully control hemorrhage , and ( reduce ) blood loss and mortality rate in this lethal vascular injury animal model .

  19. 结论本方法对流动相系统作了改进,方法简便、快速、准确,在降解产物较多时也适用。

    CONCLUSION The mobile phase system was improved , So the method was convenient , rapid , accurate , precise and it was not influenced when there are the degradation products .

  20. 该结构组成简单、方便制造、工作可靠,能实现转位、行走及焊接等操作。2.针对本设备中气动执行元件的不同工作条件和形式设计了简单可靠的气动回路。

    The structure is simple , reliable , easy to make , can make indexing , feeding , positioning and welding operated automatically.2.Meeting all kinds of working conditions and forms of pneumatic actuators in the machine , a simple and reliable pneumatic circuit is put forward .

  21. 本研究中采用动电位线性扫描,对CDC钝化过程中的反应机理进行了研究。

    In this study , the mechanism of the CDC treatment was studied by means of dynamic linear potential scanning .

  22. 本论文首先对动平衡的基本理论、振动测量技术及信号处理,以及基于DFT的不平衡振幅、相位提取算法作了详细归纳、阐述。

    The paper firstly expounds the basic theory of dynamic balancing , vibration measurement technology and signal processing , calculation of unbalance amplitude and phase based on DFT .

  23. 本实用新型气动效率高,安全、稳定、灵活。

    The sail has high aerodynamic efficiency , safety , stability and flexibility .

  24. 本法所称动产是指不动产以外的物。

    The movables as used in this Law means things other than the immovables .

  25. 这本书大大地震动了英国的许多学者。

    The book had come as a bombshell to many learned people in Britain .

  26. 应用表明,本算法具有较好动静态协调特性,满足了机器人比赛的要求。

    Application shows that the algorithm has good dynamic and static coordination characteristics , it satisfies match demand .

  27. 本实用新型流体动压轴承装置具良好的密封及防拔效果。

    The dynamic pressure bearing device of a fluid of the utility model has a good sealing and anti-pulling effect .

  28. 本课题以气动夹紧钻床夹具为实例,研究钻夹具虚拟装配系统开发过程。

    This subject uses pneumatic clamping fixture for drilling machine for example , to study the development process of virtual assembly system .

  29. 试验结果表明:对于本模型喷流气动干扰使喷流放大因子略有变化;

    The results of the experiment is : ( 1 ) the amplification factor changes little because of the interferences of the lateral jet ;

  30. 本论文基于气动光学理论,研究在流场试验中检测高速瞬态流场密度分布的方法与实现。

    The paper is based upon Aero-Optics theory , pursuing the methods and realization for measuring the density distribution of transient flow field in wind tunnel test .