
  • 网络Local Upload
  1. 在特定条件下,使用了PostgreSQL的某一本地Java应用可以上传到Cloudfoundry而无需修改任何一行代码。

    Under certain conditions a local Java Application that uses PostgreSQL can be uploaded to CloudFoundry with zero code changes .

  2. 沈阳是一个经济中心,同时也是中国北方省份辽宁省的省会。本周,有房地产顾问和中介称沈阳已取消限购令,允许购买多套房。消息在本地媒体和网络上传开后,沈阳成为了关注焦点。

    This week , Shenyang -- an economic hub and the capital of north China 's Liaoning province -- grabbed the spotlight in local news and online , after property consultants and agents said that the city had revoked restrictions on multiple home purchases .