
  • 网络Electronic Classroom;e-class;e-Learning Class
  1. 基于WEB的网络电子教室开发

    Development of Network Electronic Classroom Based on Web Technology

  2. CSCW环境下的CAI软件&一个通用的电子教室系统模型

    A CAI Software Based on CSCW & a General-Purpose Model of Electronic Classroom

  3. 多媒体电子教室视频点播(VOD)模块的开发

    The Development of Video on Demand Model for Multi-media Electronic Class

  4. 远程教育系统把教学内容存放在Web服务器上,学员通过Internet浏览器阅读学习;电子教室主要用于教学演示。

    Distance education system to teaching the content stored on the Web servers , through the Internet browser , students learn to read ; electronic classroom for teaching the main function is demonstration .

  5. 使用DCOM技术设计和实现了电子教室中的电子白板功能,使用连接点和接收器完成白板操作。

    The function of electronics whiteboard in the electronics classroom is designed and realized by using DCOM , and it ′ s operation is accomplished by using connection point and receiver .

  6. 本文基于CSCW的特性及方法,提出一个通用的电子教室系统模型的设计方案,探讨异地教学的一种新途径;

    This paper discusses the design of a general-purpose model of electronic classroom based on CSCW . We try to propose a new cooperative instruction method for teachers and students , who may be in different location .

  7. 第一部分描述了设计VCR系统的原因,针对目前网络教育的现状,指出电子教室软件化是一个必然的趋势;

    In the first part it describes the reason why we design the VCR system . According to the current status of Network Education , it 's obviously a tendency to realize the Electronic Classroom trough software .

  8. VNC起初以远端操控为目的开发的,当电子教室系统的节点达到一定数目时,网络带宽将不能满足实时要求,从而造成极大的桌面共享延迟。

    When the numbers of desktop sharing is large in the electronic classroom system based on VNC , the network bandwidth is unable to meet the demand of real time . It causes the result of serious desktop share delay .

  9. 基于分身代理技术的电子教室系统研究

    Research of Electronic Classroom System Based on " Fenshen Agent " Technology

  10. 虚拟电子教室在计算机基础教学中的作用

    Application of Virtual Electronic Classroom in Computer Basic Teaching

  11. 用户体验反馈挑战电子教室交互设计的人性化

    Interaction Design Challenges of Electronic Class Systems : Evidences from User Experience Research

  12. 无盘计算机电子教室解决方案

    The Solution to the Diskless Computer E - classroom

  13. 多媒体网络电子教室方案及应用

    Plan and Application of Multimedia Network Electronic Schoolroom

  14. 本文探讨了远程教学电子教室中远程(网络)考试系统的设计与应用技术。

    This paper deals with the designing arid application of networked testing systems in distance education .

  15. 本电子教室系统的主要功能包括屏幕监看、广播传送、远程控制、讨论区、文件传输、电子白板等。

    The main functions of the E-classroom include monitoring broadcasting long-distance controllings discussing area file-transferring whiteboard , etc.

  16. 广播教学作为电子教室的核心功能,是开发网络电子教室的关键技术之一。

    The broadcast teaching is a core function which can be used as one of the key technologies to develop the network electronics classroom .

  17. 而电子教室软件的应用在很大程度上可以增强教师对实践课堂的控制,通过利用计算机实现课堂管理的自动化,不但降低教师工作强度,而且大幅提高教学效果。

    Electronic Classroom Software can solve this problem to some extent and help teachers manage the class better , automate some tasks and improve the teaching results .

  18. 为改革传统的教学模式,提高课堂教学质量,发挥网络作用,电子教室已经走进课堂。

    To reform the traditional teaching mode , improve the quality of classroom teaching , and play the role of network , electronic classrooms have been into the classroom .

  19. 计算机控制技术应用于教学中主要体现在两个方面,一个是基于B/S模式的远程教育,另一个是基于C/S模式的课堂电子教室。

    Apply computer-controlled technology to teaching is mainly reflected in two aspects . One is based on B / S model of distance education , and the other is based on the C / S mode of the electronic classroom .

  20. 随着中国信息产业的蓬勃发展,网吧与电子教室等基于网络的计算机应用越来越多,如何有效管理和维护中小型网络中的计算机日益重要且急待解决。

    With the flourish development of information technology industry in China , more and more applications based on network come out for iCaf é and electrical schoolroom . How to manage and maintain the medium / small network system efficiently becomes highly important and needs to be resolved urgently .

  21. 简述了其在系统教学设CBE计、电子化教室授课和远程教育中的使用。

    And the usage of the system in systematic instructional design , teaching in electronic classrooms and distance education is briefly described .

  22. 此产品同时可用于学校微机室、电子多媒体教室、洁净车间、石油化工车间及医院的手术室、室、氧吧间等。

    It is also can used in computer lab , multimedia room of school and clean workshop , petrochemical plant and the hospital operating room , anesthesia room , Oxygen Bar , etc.