
The most advanced CG combined with oriental arts will bring you an incredible experience .
It offers lots of animal action as well as great stunts both CGI and physical .
He pointed out that Hollywood is relying on computer graphics , and I must live performance .
The productions are sleek and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects , creating a real-life visual impact .
Some of the most successful films of recent times have relied greatly on computer graphics , and our overall investment in technology will also greatly enhance our capabilities in this area .
The director , Shawn Levy , who committed the two Night at the Museum movies , here shows that he is much more successful when he stays far away from CGI .
The productions are sleek and use advanced technologies such as high-speed photography and computer-generated effects , creating a real-life visual impact . Moreover , the shooting for South Korean productions generally starts when the scripts are just one-third ready .
The zombies and their attack scenes were very well-executed target = _blank class = infotextkey > executed with a combination of practical and computer-generated effects . These monsters were very fast-moving and relentless in their quest for human flesh .
The science-fiction blockbuster is known for its computer-generated special effects and dazzling , non-stop action sequences .
Some think that CGI stunts make movies look like video games .
Smoke and cloud simulation is a hotspot in Computer Graphics . It is widely used in computer games , film and TV special effects , scientific computing visualization and military simulating .
It has been found wide application in many domains such as computer animation , computer games , special effects of movie , culture , religion , battlefield simulation , landscaping , architecture , virtual reality , etc.