
  • 网络Power consumption;KWH
  1. 同样,performance调控器只在尽可能高的频率运行,您可以通过比较图中的实线看出这在电能消耗上导致多大的差异。

    Again the performance governor only runs the highest available frequency , and you can see how great a difference this makes in power consumption by comparing the solid lines .

  2. 如您所见,将upthreshold提高到98比使用默认阈值略微降低了电能消耗。

    As you can see , raising the up_threshold to98 results in slightly lower power consumption than using the default threshold .

  3. 澳门度日(Degreedays)与电能消耗

    Degree Days and the Consumption of Electricity Power in Macao

  4. 通风控制就是要在节约电能消耗的前提下,将隧道内CO浓度和烟雾浓度控制在允许的范围内。

    The control of ventilation is to control Co concentration and smoke concentration in tunnel within the allowable limits on the premise of saving power consumption .

  5. 专利文件中宣称采用该专利制作的LED背光面板的发光二极管组件效能/寿命更高,电能消耗量也有所减小,同时面板还可以显示更宽的色域。

    The applications notes that that backlights from light emitting diodes are more efficient and durable , have a long operating life , low power consumption and broad color range .

  6. 图13c显示平均电能消耗。

    Figure13c shows the average power consumption .

  7. 利用澳门电力公司每年发电量与澳门的度日(Degreedays)1)数作相关分析,从而寻求电能消耗量与澳门度日数之间是否有显著的关系,以协助估计能源消耗量。

    A correlation analysis of the generation of electricity and degree days in Macao was conducted to find out whether there is any significant relationship between the consumption of electricity and degree days , in order to assist the prediction of the future energy consumption .

  8. 通过分析LNG冷量利用原理及对LNG进行的分析,得出回收LNG冷量发电不仅有效利用能源,而且减少机械制冷造成的大量电能消耗,具有可观的经济效益和社会效益。

    From the analysis we know that recovery and utilization of LNG cold energy not only efficiently utilizes energy , but also reduces power consumption , which has both great economic and social benefits .

  9. 分析了实验过程中电流变化以及实验完成后土壤pH分布和铬的迁移分布,并对每组实验Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率和电能消耗进行了计算。

    The variation of the current flow during the experiment as well as the pH distribution and movement distribution of chromium was analyzed , and the removal efficiency of hexavalent chromium and the electric energy consumption of each group of experiment calculated .

  10. 提出了一种接入网系统中ISDN用户接口按需激活的新方案,该方案大大减少了用户终端设备的电能消耗。

    A novel scheme for call-by-call activation of ISDN user interface in access gateway system is proposed in this paper , which would greatly reduce the energy consumption of user equipment .

  11. 在本周,包括AMD、Dell、HP、IBM、Intel、Microsoft和SUN公司的业界许多主要公司成立了“绿色栅格”(亦称:格林格)联盟,致力于降低数据中心的电能消耗。

    And this week several of the industry 's main firms , including AMD , Dell , HP , IBM , Intel , Microsoft and Sun , launched a " Green Grid " consortium dedicated to reducing data-centre power consumption .

  12. 图13d通过用每秒请求数除以平均电能消耗显示“性能/瓦特”。

    Figure13d shows the performance per watt by taking the number of requests per second divided by the average power consumed .

  13. 初步分析表明该装置从料液中除去1t水的电能消耗低于5kW·h,在果蔬汁浓缩、海水淡化等领域均具较强的市场竞争力。

    A primary analysis shows that no more than 5 kW · h electrical energy is needed to remove 1 ton of water from liquid materials . This makes it very competent for concentrating fruit and vegetable juices or making fresh water from seawater .

  14. 铝电解过程中的热损失对电能消耗的影响

    The Influence of the Heat-loss in the Aluminium Electrolyzer on the Power Consuption

  15. 依靠技术进步降低电能消耗

    Rely on technical improvement and lower electric energy consumption

  16. 降低电石生产中电能消耗的措施

    Measures for reducing power consuming during calcium carbide production

  17. 实线显示电能消耗。

    The solid lines show the power consumption .

  18. 同时随着施加电压的增加,电能消耗显著增加,与电压呈现线性递增和幂指数递增关系。

    The electric energy consumptions also increased significantly with the increase of applied voltage .

  19. 合理选择水泵减少电能消耗

    Reasonable selecting Pump to Decrease Electric Power Consumption

  20. 在铜电解生产中,电解液的电导率对铜电解过程的电能消耗产生影响。

    The conductivity of copper electrolyte affects the consume of electric energy in electrolysis .

  21. 从电石生产技术管理谈降低电能消耗

    Discussion on electric energy cutting in terms of technological management for calcium carbide production

  22. 黄磷生产的电能消耗分析电能质量与化工工业

    The relationship between power quality and Chemical Industry

  23. 浅谈铜电解的电能消耗

    Discussion on the copper electrolysis electric energy consumption

  24. 但是,显示电能消耗的实线的确显示出轻微的差异。

    The solid lines , which show power consumption , do show a slight difference .

  25. 稀土金属电解生产电能消耗影响因素及节能措施

    Ways of Saving Energy and Analysis of Influenced Factors of Electricity Consuming in Electrolytic Producing RE Metals

  26. 城市轨道交通系统运营过程中能耗的主要形式为电能消耗,其中,尤其以列车运行牵引能耗占比最大。

    Electric energy is the main consumption in urban rail transit , especially the traction energy consumption .

  27. 频率、脉宽比对水颗粒聚结效果影响较小,但对电能消耗产生重要影响。

    Frequency and pulse width ratio play an important role for power consumption rather than coalescing process .

  28. 铝电解槽的电能消耗率同平均电压和电流效率两个因素有关。

    The energy consumption rate of aluminum electrolytic bath is related with the average voltages and current efficiency .

  29. 高校因其特有的职能和需求,普遍存在着照明量大,电能消耗高的现象。

    College exists the phenomenon of large lighting quantity and high energy consumption because of its unique function and needs .

  30. 阐述了电石生产中影响电能消耗的因素,针对影响因素,通过工艺技术管理和设备管理手段来降低电能消耗。

    It can supervise the power consumption , which offers the technological supports for the production , management , and decision-making .