
  1. 通过Socket向电脑的端口发送特定内容,查看返回值,确定是否有Unicode漏洞。

    Port to the computer through the Socket to send specific content to see the return value to determine whether there is Unicode vulnerability .

  2. 此外还提供的无线上网服务、直线电话、传真、电脑数据端口以及各种视听设备均能满足您举办各种商务会议的需要。

    For business events , our technological resources include wireless Internet , direct telephone and fax lines , data port for computer hook-up , as well as state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment .

  3. 几乎所有摄像头都随机带有安装软件,但它们基本上都是“即插即用”(plug-and-play)设备,可以插入几乎所有现代电脑都有的usb端口。

    Nearly all come with their own installation software but basically are " plug-and-play " devices that plug into the USB port found on virtually all modern PCs.