
  • 网络Current transmitter;BD-AI;BDS-AI;PAS-I
  1. 铂电阻4~20mA电流变送器设计

    Design of 4 ~ 20mA current transmitter for platinum RTD

  2. 二种铂电阻4~20mA电流变送器电路

    Two circuits of 4 ~ 20 mA current transmitter for platinum RTD

  3. 本应变测量系统由仪表放大器AD623和电压电流变送器XTR115构成,实现弱信号放大和电流环信号传输。

    The measuring system is composed of instrumental amplifier AD623 and transmitter XTR115 to amplify weak signal and transmit current loop signal .

  4. 本文对XTR101的内部线路进行分析,推导出其数学模型,并据此介绍几种电流变送器的使用方法。

    This paper analyses the internal circuit of XTR101 and derives its maths model , and introduces the using method of several kinds of current transmitter thereof .

  5. 介绍两种实用的铂电阻4~20mA电流变送器电路,不仅能将铂电阻进行线性化处理,而且可将温度转换成与之成正比的电流信号进行远距离传输。

    This paper introduces two kinds of practical circuits which are 4 ~ 20mA current transmitter for platinum resistance temperature detector ( RTD ) . Not only can it linearize the platinum RTD but also convert temperature into current signal in direct ratio for transmitting a long distance .

  6. 双功能电流变送器的研究

    Research of Current Transducer with Double Functions

  7. 介绍由铂电阻、电流变送器、差分放大器、数据采集器组成的高分辨率温度测量系统。

    This paper introduces the high resolution temperature measurement system which is made up of a platium resistance the electric current converter , the difference amplifier and the data collector .

  8. 建立了一套用于实船热尾流测量的温度检测系统,它由温度传感器、电流变送器及差分放大器、数据采集器、垂直温度分布记录仪等组成。

    This paper sets up the temperature measurement system which is used in measuring ship wakes , and is made up of temperature sensors , current converter , amplifier , data collector , bathythermograph .

  9. 系统采用加速度传感器和钳形电流变送器获得船用机电设备的工作状态,利用频谱分析的方法进行信号处理和设备状态特征提取。

    Accelerating sensor and pincerlike current transmitter are adopted to acquire the working state of vessel-used electro-mechanical equipments in this paper . Frequency spectrum analysis method is used to process signal and pick up character of equipment-state .

  10. 本文介绍用最新器件设计的微功耗、小体积、低成本、高精度、三线制电压、电流型变送器线路。

    This paper introduces a 3-wire transmitter circuit based on a new electronic device so that the circuit is of low power dissipation , small size , low cost , and high precision .

  11. 在硬件电路实现上,注意选择电流电压变送器,合理设计了信号调理电路,采用了32位嵌入式微控制器和16位高精度A/D构成的硬件平台。

    In hardware circuit implementation , notice to choose signal sensors , signals magnify circuit and filter circuit are reasonably designed . In this scheme , the hardware platform composed by advanced 32-bit embedded microprocessor unit .

  12. WB系列霍尔电流传感器/变送器

    WB Series Hall Current Sensor / Transducer

  13. 基于CAN总线的电流、电压变送器的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Current and Voltage Transmitter Based on CAN Bus

  14. 通过两种不同的外电路分别组成电压电流输出的压力变送器,在-20~70℃范围内,准确度为±0.5%F。

    By two kinds of external circuits , the current and voltage pressure transducers are formed respectively . In the range of - 20 ~ 70 ℃ , the accuracy is ± 0.5 % F.