
  • 网络ethernet technology;lan;Ethernet networking
  1. 基于以太网技术的宽带IP城域网建设

    Broad-band IP MAN Construction Based on Ethernet Technology

  2. 基于嵌入式平台的USB和以太网技术研究

    Research of USB & Ethernet Technology Based on Embedded Platform

  3. 基于DSP的以太网技术及其实现

    The Research of Ethernet Technology Based on DSP and Implementation of the Terminal

  4. 工业以太网技术在珠江电厂DCS中的应用

    Application of industrial ether network technology in DCS system of Zhujiang Power Plant

  5. 工业以太网技术和Internet技术的迅速发展以及两种技术的紧密结合,使得工业自动化系统体系结构和操作管理方式发生了很大变化。

    The rapid development and integration of industrial Ethernet and internet technology have made the architecture and operation methods of industrial automatic system improve significantly .

  6. 运用IP和以太网技术,可以构建可扩展,易管理的IPSAN。

    The IP and Ethernet technologies pushes the IP SAN evolution toward a truly scalable , manageable storage system .

  7. PBT(ProviderBackboneTransport)技术是众多电信级以太网技术中的一个强有力的竞争技术。

    One of the rival technology of Carrier Ethernet technology is PBT ( Provider Backbone Transport ) .

  8. 工业以太网技术的发展需要有性能稳定、技术成熟的工业级嵌入式以太网络接口来支持,它是嵌入式系统和Internet相连的关键部件。

    The development of Industry Ethernet Network needs a stable capability and sophisticated technique industrial embedded Ethernet interface which is key part of the embedded system connecting to Internet .

  9. 虚拟以太网技术可以实现一种特别的隧道构造方式,从而可以回避传统VPN的不足。

    Virtual ethernet technology provides a special methord of digging tunnel which can escape the shortage of traditional VPN .

  10. 工业以太网技术综述,内容包括IP网络性能参数,工业现场对硬件性能的要求,以及实时性的问题。

    The summary of industrial Ethernet technology includes the IP network performance parameters , the performance requirements for hardwares in the industrial locale , and the real-time issue .

  11. 同时,较全面地概述了我国EPA实时以太网技术及其标准。

    Meanwhile the technology and standard of EPA real time Ethernet in our country are described comprehensively .

  12. 由于以太网技术成功在Internet上应用,促使以太网技术不断加入传统的工业测控、家庭网络、环境监控等多重领域。

    Due to the success in the Internet on Ethernet technology application , prompting Ethernet technology constantly to join the traditional industry measurement and control , home network , environment monitor such multiple fields .

  13. 首先,在结合嵌入式Linux技术与工业以太网技术的基础上,提出了基于TCP/IP网络的烟道粉尘测定仪远程监控系统的两种具有代表性的设计方案。

    First , two typical designs of the remote supervisory system for soot-measuration instruments are raised , which are based on embedded Linux and industrial Ethernet technologies .

  14. 基于10G以太网技术的分析与应用设计

    Analysis and design of application based on 10G ethernet 's technology

  15. 工业以太网技术在城市轨道交通SCADA系统中的应用在全球来讲都是一个较新的课题。

    Industrial Ethernet technology application in the field of metro transport SCADA system is a new topic in global .

  16. 10G以太网技术已成为网络发展的一个必然趋势。

    G Ethernet technology has become an inexorable trend for network development .

  17. 工业自动化系统已经从单机PLC控制发展到以现场总线,工业以太网技术及人机交互为核心的网络控制系统。

    Industrial automation control system has been developed from a single PLC to the network control system at the core of field bus , ethernet technology and human-computer interaction .

  18. EPON集成了无源光网络的各种技术优势,而且与以太网技术可以进行无缝融合。

    EPON integrated the advantages of passive optical network , and can be no-slot joint with Ethernet technology .

  19. 网络监控层采用工业以太网技术(SimaticNet),完成大数据量的通讯和采集;

    The network monitoring layer adopts industry Ethernet technology ( SIMATIC NET ) to finish great data communication and collection of quantity ;

  20. 概述了网络化测试所采用的方案,对用于网络化测试系统的以太网技术和实现网络化测试系统应用程序的软件技术作了深入分析,重点对Ethernet用于测控网络的可行性和方案进行了分析。

    The scheme of network test systems is summarized . Ethernet technology and software technology of application programmer that is used in networked test systems are studied .

  21. 近几十年来,随着嵌入式技术和网络技术,特别是以太网技术的快速发展,越来越多特定环境现场都需要能够借助于嵌入式系统接入Internet进行远程监控。

    In the past decades , with the development of embedded and net technologies , Ethernet technologies in particular , more and more specific occasions are calling for Internet connection via embedded systems to achieve remote monitoring .

  22. 社区宽带综合业务网络系统使用交换式以太网技术,在一个物理网络上为社区用户提供Internet接入、数字电视、IP电话等服务,对三网融合进行了实践性探讨。

    Community broadband network system with integrated services , which is based on switched ethernet technology , provides Internet access service , DTV , VoIP and etc. for residential users in a single physical network .

  23. 三层交换和虚拟局域网(VLAN)是目前应用较为广泛的以太网技术。

    The3-layer switching and virtual local area network ( VLAN ) technique is extensively used among current ethernet techniques .

  24. 并对系统所用到的工业以太网技术、PLC、OPC以及隧道监控系统的控制结构等关键技术进行了阐述。

    And systems used in industrial Ethernet technology , PLC , OPC , and control structure of the tunnel control system and other key technologies are described .

  25. 本文针对以太网技术在城域传送网络中的应用实际,结合城域以太网论坛(MetroEthernetForum)的以太网业务模型,分析研究了关键技术。

    This dissertation bases on Metro-Ethernet-Forum Ethernet services , brings out a solution to solve this actual problem . This paper begins with analyzing current metro transport network .

  26. IEEE802.11系列标准基于现有以太网技术,具有良好的操作性和兼容性,已发展成为WLAN的主要标准。

    IEEE 802.11 set standards based on Ethernet technology , being have favorable handle ability and compatibility , have become the main standards of WLAN .

  27. 随着无线传感网络(WSN)不断的发展,嵌入式技术和网络技术,尤其是以太网技术也得到飞速发展。

    As the Wireless Sensor Network ( WSN ) of the development , Embedded and Net technologies , Ethernet technology also obtained the rapid development .

  28. 基于以太网技术的无源光网络(EPON)技术发展迅速,但EPON的组网和应用还存在一些问题。

    Despite a rapid development in Ethernet-based Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) technology , problems remain in its network and application .

  29. 随着在在以太网技术(VoIP)里,电话的集成,工作场所中所有的电信应用,第一次可以通过LAN涵盖。

    With the integration of telephony in Ethernet ( VoIP ), all telecommunication applications in the workplace can be covered via the LAN for the first time .

  30. 基于工业以太网技术的IEC61850协议应用分析

    Applied Analysis of IEC 61850 Protocol Based on the Ethernet Technology