
  1. 基于Linux的以太网数据包捕获方法

    A Method of Packets Capture of Ethernet in Linux OS

  2. 以太网数据包嗅探技术

    Sniffer Technologies In Ethernet

  3. 在网络安全领域,通常使用网络过滤设备来对大量的以太网数据包进行分析。

    In the field of network security , we typically use network filtering devices to analyse Ethernet packets .

  4. 对于本文,我们构建接入点,让它作为网桥运行;它的作用只是在无线网络和本地以太网之间转发数据包。

    For this piece , we build the access point to operate as a bridge ; simply forwarding packets between the wireless network and a local ethernet .

  5. 主要介绍了基于以太网环境下数据包的截获的设计与实现。数据包截获的实现是防范网络黑客攻击的措施之一。

    This paper , based on Ether network environment , primarily presents design and realization of data packet seize which is one of the measure against the hacker 's attack .

  6. 它实现了从以太网中接收音频数据包,依次经过链路层、网络层、传输层解包后,将数字音频数据还原为模拟音频并输出。

    It can receive audio packets that come from Ethernet , and deal with them in link layer , network layer and transport layer . Finally , the terminal will convert present digital audio signal into stimulant signal and export them .

  7. 由于技术革新比较快,并且需要提供处理速度更快,处理能力更强的芯片,同时在安全方面和系统方面要求以太网芯片能够对数据包进行多层以上的处理分析和监控。

    As a result of technological innovations faster , and it needs to provide a faster processing speed , processing capacity of more chips . Particularly in the security and systems requirements Ethernet chip capable of data packets over multi-processing analysis and monitoring .