
yǐ dà jú wéi zhòng
  • set store by overall interests
以大局为重[yǐ dà jú wéi zhòng]
  1. 当然以大局为重

    Well , it 's all for the greater good .

  2. 他总是遵守诺言,以大局为重。

    He is always true to his word and focused on the big picture .

  3. 伯恩斯个性非常固执,是个急性子。不过也懂得审时度势,以大局为重。

    Burns is fiercely opinionated and impatient .

  4. 人人都想首发,不过更重要的,是要以大局为重。

    Everybody wants to start , but I think it 's important to understand the bigger picture .

  5. 当个人利益与集体利益发生矛盾时,我们的选择就以大局为重,因为集体主义更有效。

    When personal interests conflict with the collective interests , we choose to general situation as heavy , because more effective collective .

  6. 所有的同志,特别是当顾问的同志,都要以大局为重,服从组织的安排。

    All our comrades , especially those serving as advisers , should keep the overall interests of the country in mind and accept the organizational arrangements .

  7. 要教育党员和群众以大局为重,以党和国家的整体利益为重。

    We must teach Party members and the masses to give top priority to the overall situation and the overall interests of the party and the state .

  8. 这是我们必须采取的以大局为重之方法的一部分,包括如粮食贸易方面的思考,以及我们的货币政策。

    And so this could be part of a broader approach that we need to take , and that includes looking at trade provisions , it includes what our currency policies are .

  9. 我们衷心希望两族人民能以大局为重,避免采取任何可能导致问题进一步复杂化,扩大化的行动。

    It is our sincere hope that the two nations can set store by their overall interests and avoid taking any actions that can lead to further complication or deterioration of the problems .

  10. 不过也懂得审时度势,以大局为重。比如公司派她管理行政事务,虽然对她来说过于简单,她还是欣然接受了。用伯恩斯自己的话来说,这主要得益于马尔卡希给她的建议和指导。

    And while she has acquiesced occasionally - like when she accepted a chief of staff job she thought would be too easy for her - she says she 's guided by advice she got from Mulcahy .