
  1. 究其实质,以吏为师在于加强思想控制。

    The substance of such a system was to strengthen thought control .

  2. 从以吏为师到以天为教&董仲舒天人学说新探

    From Official as a Teacher to Heaven as a Religion & New Exploration of Dong Zhong-shu 's " Heaven and Man in One "

  3. 中国古代以吏为师,行政兼掌司法,没有形成独立的法律职业阶层。

    In ancient China , administration officials also played the role of justice , and had not formed the independent professional stratum of law .

  4. 韩非对传统道德教育的方式和实际效果提出了质疑,提倡以法为教、以吏为师的德育观点。

    Judgement on the traditional methods of moral education and questioned the actual results , to promote the Education Law , Officials for the division , the moral point of view .

  5. 秦统一全国之后,李斯向始皇帝建议以吏为师,恢复了西周春秋时期官学教育模式。

    After the First Emperor of Qin unified the country , Li Si suggested " Officials as Teachers " and restored the model " official " education of the Western Zhou and the Spring and Autumn period .

  6. 第五,法家的法治教育实施除了以吏为师的教育策略,以此来教育人民,运用强制和奖惩的办法来实施其教育主张。

    Fifth , the implementation of the Legalist rule of law education in addition to " Officials for the division ," the education strategy , in order to educate the people , the use of mandatory and incentive approach to the implementation of its educational claims .