
  • 网络interview
  1. 兰德公司总裁赖斯访问记

    Interview with Dr. Donald B. rice , the president of RAND Corporation

  2. 录制的节目、音乐会、访问记等。

    A recorded programme , concert , interview , etc.

  3. 匈、波经济转轨的进展与困难&匈、波经济考察访问记

    Economic Transformation in Hungary and Poland : Its Progress and Troubles

  4. 访问记这类谈话的记录或复制。

    An account or a reproduction of such a conversation .

  5. 《总理史实访问记》实际上是孙中山故旧刘学询的回忆录,从未出版,鲜为人知。

    The unpublished Interviews of the Premier is a reminiscence by Liu Xuexun of Sun Yatsen .

  6. 卢卡斯教授访问记

    Interview with Prof. Lucas

  7. 地球上的绿腰带&贵州茂兰保护区访问记

    Green caestus of earth

  8. 杂志和因特网充满名人如“成功”的访问记和报道。

    Magazines and the Internet are full of interviews and stories about how famous people " made it " .

  9. 从最近得到的《总理史实访问记》打印稿来看,该书具有重要的史料价值,据此可以进一步深入探讨孙中山与刘学询的特殊关系。

    The writer of the paper bases on the printed draft , and assumes that the special relationship between Sun Yatsen and Liu Xuexun is well worth exploring .

  10. 传记文学作品大致分为自传与他传两大类,普通的回忆录、访问记、印象记、日记、书信等,一般只可称为传记资料或历史文献。

    Biographical literature may be divided into autobiography and biography , while memoirs , recordings of visits and impression , diaries and letters can only be defined as biographical materials or historical documents .

  11. 他在访问日本期间记日记。

    He kept a journal during his visit to japan .

  12. 到2010年8月,Myspace每月都与1亿多名用户进行互动,网页访问量数以十亿记,歌曲下载量达数亿首。

    As of August 2010 , MySpace was interacting with over 100 million users a month , generating billions of page views and streaming hundreds of millions of songs .

  13. 指定网络访问策略的好记名称。

    Specifies the friendly name of the network access policy .