
  1. 因此,财务公开仍是农民专业合作社章程需进一步完善的重点。

    Accordingly , the financial disclosure statute that the farmer cooperatives are still required to further improve the focus .

  2. 合作社章程有修改时,应经社员大会之决议,并于决议后一个月内,以书面检具会议纪录,向主管机关为变更之登记。

    The constitution of a cooperative may be modified only with the resolution of the member 's congress , and written proceedings of the Congress shall be submitted to the regulating authority for registration of alteration .

  3. 供销社是合作经济组织的一种具体表现形式,合作社章程对其入社方式、管理体制和经营机制都有明确要求,具有理论上的先进性。

    Supply and marketing cooperative is a concrete manifestation of economic organizations . The entrance way 、 management system and operational mechanism are clearly requirements on the charter of Co-operative Society , which has the advanced nature in theory .