- conspire;plot together

[conspire;plot together] 共同谋划(如进行叛逆活动或犯罪活动,或干某一件奸诈阴险的事情)
It effectively eliminates the key escrow problem and provides protection for the final private key . It also overcomes the disadvantage of the dishonest D-KGCs conspire to get private key . This work means our scheme has practical significance .
Before industrialization , it did not conspire with the violence .
Seven men , all from Bristol , admitted conspiracy to commit arson
She inveigles Paco into a plot to swindle Tania out of her savings .
He admitted conspiring to obtain property by deception
She ruled that the publishers had conspired with Apple to raise book prices in its store .
But Sun 's scheme suffers from conspiracy attack , and the improvements proposed hereafter are not satisfying .
To determine the collaborators in active reset predecessor attack , Active Detection based Rerouting algorithm , ADR , is proposed .
A Threshold RSA Signature Scheme without Conspiracy Attack
New threshold signature schemes withstanding the conspiracy attack were proposed by Jan and Gan , respectively .
A Study of Coordination and Competition in Bertrand Price Repeated Game
On Wednesday Chinese regulators accused 12 Japanese car parts manufacturers of colluding to overcharge carmakers including Toyota and Ford .
When it colludes with politicians to propose politically palatable programmes , the IMF fails in its proper role of reforming a country .
In this paper , we introduce two methods to withstand conspiracy attacks : when n and t are not very large , we present an efficient threshold RSA signature scheme .
Certification of positive feedback peer received is stored in server peer which is used to form the trust graph , so our system obtains the ability of avoid collusion as in NICE .
Mr Gupta has been charged with civil violations by the Securities and Exchange Commission and denied any wrongdoing . Prosecutors have called him a co-conspirator .
Meanwhile , it proves that IPP codes have better tracing algorithm than TA codes , so as to reduce the tracing time during the anti-collusion process .
The US Department of Justice charged Tom Hayes and Roger Darin with conspiring to manipulate yen Libor rates to benefit their trading positions .
The causes of the problems are that the executives'rewards relies on the stock price too much and fosters the dishonesty and the conspiracy of executives .
Lufthansa also received leniency for its role in exposing a conspiracy to fix fuel surcharges on cargo flights .
UBS traders also " colluded with interdealer brokers in co-ordinated attempts to influence " Japanese yen LIBOR submissions made by other banks , the FSA said .
Mr Hayes , a former Tokyo-based trader at both UBS and Citigroup , was also charged with wire fraud and antitrust violations for allegedly colluding with individuals at other banks .
An FTC official said it was unclear how much the suspected collusion might have cost Nintendo , which expects to sell 29.5m of the two-screen DS players in the year ending March 31 .
The ARAN protocol is analyzed by the extended theory of strand spaces and two security vulnerabilities are found , that is conspiracy and replay attacks .
In 2001 Hsu et al . pointed out Sun 's scheme can come under the plot attack the threat , and proposed a improvement scheme , has also introduced the resistance plot attack another solution mentality in this , namely introduces SA .
Based on the embedding assumption , design a 2-secure fingerprints using concatenated codes and its corresponding tracing algorithm .
It is proved by analyzing the Nash equilibrium of this model that generating side can cooperate by trigger strategy when 2uM > uH > uM + uL and uM ≥ 2uL .
To address collusion problem , this paper develops a novel method to combine EBS with broadcasting polynomials . EBS works to refresh keys when there is no collusion attack , otherwise broadcasting polynomials are used to re-key the network .
This system has three ACs ( Authority Center ) and its trust in public key certificate can get level 3 [ 6 ] Because the status of KACs and IDC are not equal , so there is less possibility that IDC conspires with KACs .
In the proxy share generation stage , due to the revocation of Shamir 's threshold secret sharing scheme , each proxy signer in the proxy group owns the common proxy share , this can not only efficiently withstand the coalition attack , but also reduce the computational complexities .