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bài yè
  • pay homage;pay a formal visit;call to pay respects
拜谒 [bài yè]
  • (1) [pay a formal visit]∶拜访谒见

  • (2) [pay homage]∶参拜瞻仰(陵墓、碑碣等处)

  • 这几天你们已经看见有几万几十万劳动者来拜谒列宁同志的灵柩。--《悼列宁》

拜谒[bài yè]
  1. 他去拜谒他祖先的墓地。

    He went to visit the graves of his forefathers .

  2. 成吉思汗在东胜的陵寝成了今日蒙古族青年的拜谒之地。

    Genghis Khans Mausoleum in Dongsheng has become a shrine for Mongolian youth .

  3. 我们看到他的星宿升起,特赶来拜谒他。

    We observed the rising of his star , and we have come to pay him homage .

  4. 他拜谒了一个美军阵亡将士公墓和法国第二次世界大战抵抗运动战士纪念碑。

    His schedule included a trip to a U.S. military cemetery , and a French monument to the resistance fighters of World War II .

  5. 偶们在韩妃村的小店里稍事休息,便来到韩妃庙参观和拜谒韩妃娘娘。

    We took a rest at one village shop in Village of Princess Han , and then went to visit Princess Han in her temple .

  6. 星期一,我要用拜谒阿灵顿国家墓园来参与纪念日,并在无名英雄目前敬奉花圈。

    On Monday , I will commemorate Memorial Day by visiting Arlington National Cemetery , where I will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns .

  7. 要参见钦佩的老师或拜谒有名的学者,不必事前打招呼求见,也不怕搅扰主人。

    There is no need to inform the host in advance or be afraid of interrupting him , you could call on any teacher or scholar you admiring .

  8. 至于一些右翼政客参拜神社,他们只是去拜谒在战争中死难的人们,而不是战犯。

    As for the Yasukuni visiting by some right wing politicians , they go there paying respect to the people who died in the war , not the war criminals .

  9. 黄帝陵&中华民族的始祖轩辕黄帝的陵园,是国内外中华儿女拜谒、祭奠共同始祖的圣地。

    The Huangdi 's Mausoleum & Chinese nation 's first ancestor Huangdi 's cemetery , is everywhere China 's youth holds a memorial service for the common first ancestor the Holy Land .

  10. 在神眼前,月亮也无光亮,星宿也不清洁。我们看到他的星宿升起,特赶来拜谒他。

    " See , even the moon is not bright , and the stars are not clean in his eyes : " We observed the rising of his star , and we have come to pay him homage .