
bài jīn
  • worship money;money worship;Mammonism;PUPPY
拜金 [bài jīn]
  • [mammonish] 追求金钱,以其为一切活动中心

  • 拜金狂

  • 拜金者

  1. 投资者或许拜金,但他们对美元的喜爱却变化无常。

    Investors may worship money but their love of the dollar can be fickle .

  2. 我不是拜金女,可我需要物质的存在感。

    I am not worship money the female , but I need material the existence feeling .

  3. 这位拜金女郎还将于下月与时尚专卖店HM合作推出她的最新设计。

    The Material Girl launches her new designs for high street store HM next month .

  4. 《小皇帝和拜金女:现代中国的性和年轻人》(LittleEmperorsandMaterialGirls:SexandYouthinModernChina),耶米马•斯坦菲尔德(JemimahSteinfeld)著,I.B.Tauris出版社,建议零售价14.99英镑/19.95美元

    Little Emperors and Material Girls : Sex and Youth in Modern China , by Jemimah Steinfeld , I. B. Tauris ( RRP £ 14.99 , $ 19.95 )

  5. 当美国电视主持人格蕾琴•卡尔森(GretchenCarlson)发起针对福克斯新闻(FoxNews)老板罗杰•艾尔斯(RogerAiles)的性骚扰诉讼时,她最初被描述为拜金女。

    Gretchen Carlson , the US television presenter , was initially painted as a washed-up gold-digger when she filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Roger Ailes , the Fox News boss .

  6. 还有另一个表达—拜金族(Golddigger),不过这可不是说某人好。

    Gold digger is another description . But this does not say something nice about a person . A gold digger is someone who seeks to marry a rich person because he or she is only interested in that person 's money .

  7. 拜金主义使人际关系冷漠了。

    The money-oriented people are cold and indifferent to each other .

  8. 对社会主义市场经济条件下拜金主义的思考

    Think of Money Worship in the Condition of Socialist Market Economy

  9. 一般会说拜金主义是根本原因。

    It is generally said that mammonism is the root cause .

  10. 我不愿成为拜金主义的牺牲品。

    I didn 't want to fall a victim to mammonism .

  11. 教学中引导学生抵制拜金主义影响的思考

    Experience of Piloting Students to Resist Money Worship in Education

  12. 拜金主义是世俗功利价值观的极端形式。

    Money worship is the extreme presentation of the secular utility values .

  13. 这种观念完全是拜金主义的翻版

    This view is absolutely a mirror image of money worship

  14. 纽约是为增添拜金主义的荣耀而建造的。

    New York was built to the glory of mammon .

  15. 拜金,冷漠,孤单,毒舌,伪装,自我保护。

    Worship , indifference , lonely , tongue , disguise self protection .

  16. 拜金现象与医德底线和医疗风险责任的相关性

    Relationship of Mammonism Phenom and Medical Morality Dead-line with Duties of Medical Risk

  17. 社会主义市场经济中的拜金主义浅析

    An Analysis of Money Worship in Socialist Market Economy

  18. 社会拜金思潮的冲击;

    The impact of money worship in the society ;

  19. 拜金主义和物质主义才是现实,她解释说。

    Money worship and materialism is the reality , she explained last week .

  20. 拜金主义、商业化倾向在律师中有泛滥之势。

    Worship of money , business tendency has spread in the legal trend .

  21. 拜金主义是现代社会特有的迷信。

    The worship of the golden calf be the characteristic cult of modern society .

  22. 不管是拜金主义还是蔑金主义,都是对货币的职能无知造成的。

    Ignorance of money functions has led to both money worship and money scorn .

  23. 商业化及拜金主义严重侵蚀着社会生活各个层面。

    The trade and the mammonism seriously corrodes the society lives each stratification plane .

  24. 近年来了对社会有害的拜金主义倾向。

    There has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money .

  25. 男人可能会反感那些拜金女,但如果女人不爱钱他们又会觉得奇怪。

    Men may hate women loving money , but they feel weird if women don 't.

  26. 我们生活在一个拜金主义的时代。

    A : We are living in an age in which golden calf is idolized .

  27. 其主要表现是:追商逐利,拜金主义盛行;

    Their main manifestations are : the prevalence of commercial profits pursuit and money worship ;

  28. 拜金主义的危害使我们的国家受到影响,也同样使其他许多强大的国家备受其害。

    The lure of materialism challenges society in our country and in many successful countries .

  29. 赞同集体主义的道德原则,但也出现了个人主义、拜金主义和享乐主义倾向;

    They approve of collectivism but have a tendency of individualism , money worship and hedonism ;

  30. 他是拜金的化身。

    He personifiesthe worship of money .