
bài fó
  • worship the Buddha;Worship buddha;WORSHIP;worship Budda
拜佛 [bài fó]
  • [worship Budda] 向佛像礼拜

  • 拜佛求经

  1. 信众问:佛教徒只拜佛不要拜天神?

    Devotee : Do Buddhists only worship Buddha but not Celestial spirits ?

  2. 他来到北礁,见一个姑娘正在拜佛,旁边放着渔网、镐头,还有一包菜籽。

    He came north reef , see a girl being worship , stood next to the net , pick axes , as well as a packet of vegetable seeds .

  3. 于是那个富人和他的妻子一起去了庙里拜佛。

    So the rich man and his wife went to the temple .

  4. 于是乎,他也开始拜佛,研究佛法了。

    And he began to bow to the Buddhas and study the Buddhadharma .

  5. 过去庙都给关了,这样烧香拜佛是不允许的。

    The temples were closed , and this sort of thing simply wasn 't allowed .

  6. 我发现几乎我每次生病都是去拜佛回来的!

    I found that almost every time I fall sick are bowing to come back !

  7. 我相信一个事业要成功,就必须拜佛进贡。

    I believe for a business to succeed , it has to pay tribute to Buddha .

  8. 不管他们怎么称呼这一年,庆祝的人到寺庙烧香拜佛、交换礼物,享受丰盛的美食。

    Regardless what they called it , the celebrants visited temples , exchanged gifts and enjoyed festive meals .

  9. 转身过人,拉杆式投篮,拜佛运球,空中变向——贝勒首创了这些进攻技巧。

    Spin moves , double-pumping , hesitation dribbling , changing direction after jumping - Baylor had a first-of-its-kind offensive repertoire .

  10. 每逢清明时节,附近各民族群众到洞内一巨型观音像下烧香拜佛者甚多。

    On Tomb Sweeping Festival season , near to the people of various nationalities inside of a giantLike many are bowing under the burning incense .

  11. 尽管宗教狂热在农村风靡一时,但也并非所有的人都求神拜佛,搞那些古老的迷信。

    The religious zeal in the villages mounted high , but not all the farmers reverted to ancient superstitions and not all prayed to Heaven .

  12. 他们就不得不求神拜佛希望大鲨鱼和杰梅因奥尼尔常规赛结束前和季后赛一直保持健康。

    They are gonna have to depends on Shaquille O'Neil and Jermaine O'Neil to stay healthy for the rest of the season and into the playoffs .

  13. 和他的父亲一样,在处理完朝政的空隙,他也经常来崇圣寺拜佛。

    Like his father , when he finished handling over the kingdom affairs , he always came to the Chongsheng Temple and prostrated himself before the Buddha statues .

  14. 宗教仪式在巴厘岛至关重要(别忘了,此岛有七座变幻莫测的火山&你也免不了要拜佛脚)。

    Religious ceremonies are of paramount importance here in Bali ( an island , don 't forget , with seven unpredictable volcanoes on it & you would pray , too ) .

  15. 宗教仪式在巴厘岛至关重要(别忘了,此岛有七座变幻莫测的火山——你也免不了要拜佛脚)。

    Religious ceremonies are of paramount importance here in Bali ( an island , don 't forget , with seven unpredictable volcanoes on it - you would pray , too ) .

  16. 最近几年,许多人开始祈祷事业高升,财源滚滚,而不是求神拜佛,他们身体健康,长命百岁,家庭美满。

    In recent times , many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family .