
  1. 《西厢记》玉人的审美意蕴爱在花园内外&《西厢记》和《拜月亭记》之比较

    The Love inside and outside the Garden The comparison of The Romance of West Chamber and The Story of Baiyue Kiosk

  2. 各地至今遗留着许多“拜月坛”“拜月亭”“望月楼”的古迹。

    Today we can still find many historic monuments such as " Worshiping-the-moon Altar "" Worshiping-the-moon Pavilion " and " Watching-the-moon Building " .

  3. 第三,对南戏《拜月亭》的作者与版本作了考述,指出了各版本之间的差异。

    Thirdly , the text criticizes on the various editions and their authors of the southern dramas The Pavilion for Worshipping the Moon , pointing out their difference .

  4. 《拜月亭》在荆、刘、拜、杀四大传奇中,思想与艺术成就最高,对后世影响也最大,其时只有《琵琶记》可与它抗衡。

    Baiyue Pavilion embraces the highest thought and artistic achievement among the four great chuanqi as well as its influence on the literature of later generations , matching up to Notes of Pipa .

  5. 《琵琶记》与《拜月亭》高下之辩,是明中叶至明晚期一场史无前例的戏曲论争,反映了不同戏剧美学家的美学思想,各有其立论的原因、意义。

    The unprecedented discussion about dramas from the middle to the end of Ming Dynasty reflected the different aesthetic thoughts of dramatists . Most of the dramatists had commented on the comparison between The Tale of Pipa and The Kiosk of Worshiping the Moon .