
  1. 社稷坛的北面是中山堂,原为社稷坛的“拜殿”。

    Zhongshan Hall , to the north of the altar , was the resting place of the emperor .

  2. 现在我们所看到的建筑就是于清同治四年(1865年),主要建筑有拜殿、宝晋斋、仰高堂等。

    Now we see the building is on four-wen ( 1865 ), the main building there is of prayer , Po Chin Chai , Yang Gao tang .

  3. 这座拜殿,在八国联军攻占北京时,曾是八国联军统帅的指挥所。

    At the turn of the century after the eight-nation allied forces occupied beijing , this hall was used by the commander of the American contingent as his command post .

  4. 这座拜殿,在八国联军攻占北京时,曾是八国联军统帅的指挥所。&参与1900年八国联军的侵华战争。

    At the turn of the century after the Eight-Nation Allied Forces occupied Beijing , this hall was used by the commander of the American contingent as his command post . - They participated in the war of 1900 launched by the allied forces of eight powers against China .