
  • 网络Zoroastrian
  1. 比如说,拜火教祭司会围着饰有流苏的腰带,而这尊墓俑的腰带上没有任何装饰;

    Zoroastrian priests , for example , wore belts with tassels , yet the belt here is plain ;

  2. 诺鲁孜节还与拜火教有渊源。

    Nowruz has some of its history in the Zoroastrianism religion .

  3. 拜火教是现存的一种宗教,虽然信奉的人不多。

    Zoroastrianism is a living religion , although not many people practise it .

  4. 他的作品有传统的随笔(《拜火》,《蓓蕾与鸟声》);又有讽刺性的游记(《通天的铁路》)。

    There were conventional essays " Fire Worship "," Buds and Bird Voices " ; satirical excursions " The Celestial Railroad " .

  5. 奥尔穆兹德拜火教(波斯教)的主要神明,世界的创造者、光明的源泉和善的化身。

    The chief deity of Zoroastrianism , the creator of the world , the source of light , and the embodiment of good .

  6. 拜火教与突厥兴衰&以古代突厥斗战神研究为中心

    The Cult of Fire and the Rise and Decline of the Turks : A Case Study of the Ancient Turkic God of War

  7. 例如,在伊朗的拜火教徒,传统上将尸首放置于塔内供秃鹫啄食,如此身体不堕尘土。

    The Zoroastrians in Iran , for example , traditionally leave corpses in towers for vultures to devour , so the bodies do not pollute the soil .

  8. 最早的传说中,拜火教圣人是人类父母的儿子,很像耶稣。但随后流传的故事中讲到他母亲是由神灵受孕而产下了他。

    The earliest accounts of Zoroaster 's birth have him born of a human father and mother , much like Jesus ,; but in later accounts his mother is pierced by a shaft of divine light .