
  • 网络Divine revelation;divinely revealed
  1. 可能因为这个缘故,这些神启受到强烈质疑。

    Perhaps because of this , they have been vigorously challenged .

  2. 第四章是神启与理智论。

    Chapter IV is about the dispute of divine revelation and rationality .

  3. 他对我们所依赖的宗教神启持反对态度。

    He denied that we should rely on religious revelation .

  4. 这不是神启般的东西,对吧?

    This is nothing really big revelation type stuff right ?

  5. 他不想求助于神启,这是为什么呢?

    He doesn 't want to appeal to divine revelation , why not ?

  6. 去更多地方旅行真能让我领受更多神启吗?

    Is more travel really going to bring me any closer to revelatory contact with divinity ?

  7. 持续性植物状态的中医证型分析与益神启窍方综合疗法的临床研究

    Analysis of TCM Differentiation of Patients with PVS and Clinical Study of the Effect of Yi Shen Qi Qiao Fang

  8. 那是印度最神圣的水域。由此死者可以获得梵我合一&超脱生死轮回,重生以获得神启。

    This is so the dead can achieve moksha & breaking the cycle of birth , death and rebirth to gain enlightenment .

  9. 凯西和超验主义代表人物爱默生一样,辞去神职,走向自然,并获得神启。

    Like the representative of transcendentalism Emerson , Casy quits his priesthood , turns into nature and obtains " inspiration from God " .

  10. 神秘实践成为一种神圣的对知识的追求,不是通过智力,而是通过意识净化而获得神启。

    The practice of magic became a holy quest , a search for knowledge , not through the intellect , but by revelation to the pure in mind .

  11. 在对圣经意象的运用中,通过神启意象和魔幻意象激起了人们内心的共鸣,唤起了积淀在人们心灵深处的集体无意识。

    When she uses the Bible image , she calls up the collective non-conscious deposited in the depth of their heart and provokes their chorus through enlightening God image and demon image .

  12. 尤其是在他的莫大才智有所不递的场合,那时就出现一种神启的声音,使他获得稳固的根据。

    In certain critical situations , when even his massive intellect faltered , he was able to regain his balance through the agency of a divine voice , which he heard only at such moments .

  13. 超验主义强调精神、自我和自立,以及大自然对人的神启,认为个人可以超越物质世界,通过与大自然的沟通获得神启来实现自我和精神完美。

    They believe that man can transcend the material world by being himself and experiencing nature and that an individual can depend upon himself for spiritual perfection either by directly communing with nature or by intuition .

  14. 第二天恰好是安息日,他的布道被认为是他宣讲过的最丰富、最有力,也是最充满神启的。

    The next day , however , being the Sabbath , he preached a discourse which was held to be the richest and most powerful , and the most replete with heavenly influences , that had ever proceeded from his lips .

  15. 他的精力或者毋宁说,那个支撑着他传达完神圣的福音并由上天借此赋予他该福音本身的力量的神启在他忠诚地克尽厥责之后,已经被撤回去了。

    The energy - or say , rather , the inspiration which had held him up , until he should have delivered the sacred message that brought its own strength along with it from heaven - was withdrawn , now that it had so faithfully performed its office .

  16. 第二章明代白话公案小说的断案模式大体可分为两大类:神断和人断。神断大致表现为鬼魂报冤、神启、报应等几种模式。

    The second chapter focuses on the two patterns of adjudicating a case & namely Heaven adjudication and Human adjudication .