
  • 网络order in social life
  1. 布尔关于国际社会秩序的思想,包括社会生活秩序的概念及其维持、国际秩序和世界秩序的概念及其维持,以及世界政治中的秩序与正义;

    On order and its maintenance in international society , consisting of the concept and the maintenance of order in social life as well as in international society , and the relationship between order and justice in world politics ;

  2. 其中涉及到整个金融体系的运行安全和社会生活秩序的稳定。

    Involving the safe operation of the whole financial system stability and social order .

  3. 规范市场经济秩序与社会生活秩序,实现社会生活公正;

    To regulate market and social living order for realizing a fair social life ;

  4. 它们大大巩固、强化了政治权力秩序、社会生活秩序以及意识形态秩序。

    They greatly consolidated and strengthened the order of political authority , social life and ideology .

  5. 即便如此,最能反映我们社会生活秩序的,还是我们在公共空间里的活动。

    Even so , our social order is reflected in what we do in public spaces .

  6. 在文化系统中,伦理道德是对社会生活秩序和个体生命秩序的深层规范。

    In the culture systems , ethics and morals deeply standardize the order of social life and individual life .

  7. 行政执法是行政主体为了维护经济与社会生活秩序,实现行政目标的具体行政行为。

    Is the administrative body administrative law enforcement in order to maintain economic and social order , to achieve administrative goals of the specific administrative act .

  8. 社区治安管理是维护社区正常社会生活秩序,保障社会安定团结的日常社会管理活动。

    Public security management of community is to maintain the normal order of social life , to guarantee the society to stabilize as daily management in the society .

  9. 民法通过对占有的保护,实现其维护正常财产秩序和稳定社会生活秩序的目的和维持占有公信力的宗旨。

    The protection of civil law of possession by , realize its maintain normal social order and stability property of purpose and maintain life order occupies credibility principle .

  10. 因此,本文试图从城市权力构成及运作、社会生活秩序与聚会性场所之间的互动模式入手,对其聚会性场所的设置特征作一比较。

    So from the point of interacting pattern of constitution and use of city power , social life order and the meeting places , the paper studies the differences between Beijing 's meeting places and Paris ' .

  11. 近年来,涉黑组织犯罪在我国呈现出日趋泛滥的态势,严重破坏了社会经济生活秩序和政治生活秩序。

    In recent years , the crime demonstrates the situation of overflowing day by day in our country , which has destroyed the social economy and politic life order seriously .

  12. 未成年人监护制度作为一项重要的民事法律制度,目的在于维护未成年人的利益、保护未成年人健康成长、维护社会经济生活秩序和保证社会稳定。

    Minors guardianship system as an important civil law system and aims to protect the interests of the minors , protect healthy growth of minors , to maintain social and economic life order and to ensure social stability .

  13. 重大自然灾害是难以预测、破坏力更强、影响波及范围更广的自然灾害,一旦发生将会对正常的社会生产生活秩序造成重大影响,且会造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。

    Major natural disasters are difficult to predict and destructive power , influence is felt in a wider range . The event will be a significant impact on the normal social order of production and life , and cause heavy casualties and property losses .

  14. 着眼于共性意蕴,关涉的是对于人的存在来说具有某种普遍意义的价值生存模式,将人的整个社会伦理生活秩序指向了某种终极意义或终极信念。

    And if it is considered from their common basis , religious ethics is concerned with a certain pattern of life which has common significance for the existence of human being ; it leads the ethical order of social life towards the ultimate value , or the ultimate belief .

  15. 政府成为社会生活规则和秩序的制定者和维护者。

    Government has become the constitutor and defender of social life rules and orders .

  16. 公共权力设置的目标是促进公共利益的发展,保障社会的公共生活秩序。

    The aim of the establishing of public authority is to promote the development of public interest and guarantee the order of society 's public living .

  17. 道德制度化建设是由我国的道德国情决定的,它对于维护社会生活的基本秩序有重要的意义。

    The construction of ethic institutionalization is caters for the current situation of our country 's ethics , which is very important in guaranteeing the basic order of social life .

  18. 价值规范既是社会生活意义与秩序的表现形式,又是社会资源控制和利益分配的约束条件。

    The value norm is not only the abstract form of the meaning and order of social life , but also the restrained condition of social resource control and interest distribution .

  19. 而业务过失违反的是特殊注意义务,即国家为维护社会正常的生活秩序、生产秩序以及发展的需要,对从事某些特别业务活动的人,提出的特殊注意义务。

    While vocational negligence violates a special attentive obligation , which is an obligation for a person who takes up some special professional work demanded by countries to keep social order .

  20. 光污染是目前在各国普遍存在的环境问题,其给人类生理和心理健康、动植物繁衍及生长、社会生活和生产秩序带来了不可小觑的危害。

    At present , light pollution is a ubiquitous environmental problem in the world , has brought significant harm for the human physiological and psychological health , reproduction and growth of plant and social life , production order .

  21. 它具有组织结构比较紧密,有一定的经济实力,国家工作人员参加或为其提供非法保护,对一定区域或行业进行控制,严重破坏社会经济、社会生活秩序等基本特征。

    It possesses such basic features as a close organization structure , big economic strength , involving state staff or illegal defence by them , controlling some regions or trades , seriously destroying the order of economy and society .

  22. 进而,以上因素还通过村落景观秩序的架构来达到在一定社会条件下的对于社会生活秩序的梳理。

    Furthermore , these factors also adopted the order of the village landscape architecture to achieve certain social conditions of the order of the sort of social life .

  23. 而唐代部分时期粮食价格的高涨也引发了众多社会危机,其中包括社会生活与社会秩序的严重危机。

    And the upsurge of the price of grain caused numerous social crises in some period in the Tang Dynasty , including the serious crises of social life and civil order .

  24. 从宏观上来说,标准化是现代化大生产的关键措施,是国家的一项重要的技术经济政策,可以产生显著的社会效果,加强了社会生产和生活秩序;

    From the macroscopic aspect , Standardization is a key measure of the modernized production and an important technological economic policy of a nation , can produce the remarkable social effects , strengthen social production and living orders .

  25. 保险欺诈的存在不仅严重地败坏了社会风气,而且扰乱了正常的社会生活秩序,如果任其自由发展而不加以规制的话,其势必会严重威胁到一个国家保险业的健康发展。

    The existence of insurance fraud not only critically ruins the social morality , but also disturbs the normal social order . If it is not regulated , it will definitely threaten the healthy development of national insurance .

  26. 信任缺失导致了资源浪费、文化断裂及社会心理的动荡,当前信用落后的状况已经成为社会生活秩序稳定和经济发展的巨大障碍。

    Lack of credit has led to a waste of resources and social instability . The backward situation of the credit has become the tremendous obstacle of stable social order and the economic development .

  27. 单位&市场最活跃之主体参与犯罪活动,势必对社会带来相当大的危害性,对经济秩序及社会生活秩序造成消极影响。

    The phenomenon that Unit , the most active body in the market joins economic crime does certainly do considerable harm to the society and attaches the adverse affect on the order of economy and social life .

  28. 解决权利缺位的问题,对社会成员的权利提供有效的制度化保护,是重建社会生活秩序的基础,也是化解和规避私营企业主政治参与消极效应的应对之道。

    Offering effective institutionalized protection to social members ' rights is the foundation of rebuilding the social life order .

  29. 从网络犯罪所造成的社会后果看,它不仅妨碍了网络行为者的正常的社会生活秩序,而且也对整个网络社会生活造成了较大影响。

    As far as the social result in the network crime , it not only disturb the proper social living order but also affect greatly on the whole network social life .

  30. 本文认为司法社会控制功能是指司法作为社会控制体系对人们的社会生活、生产工作秩序、国家管理秩序进行控制中所发挥的作用和效能。

    The function of justice social control is effect of social control of justice in social life , work order , national administer order .