
  • 网络Community Mental Health;community-based mental health
  1. 社区精神卫生服务的投入严重不足等。

    Resources input in community mental health services is scarce , etc.

  2. 上海市社区精神卫生服务与投入研究

    Research on Community Mental Health Services and Input in Shanghai

  3. 社区精神卫生服务的改革尚待落实;

    Revolution in community mental health services is about to be implemented ;

  4. 我国社区精神卫生服务发展状况及对策研究

    Studies on China 's Development of Community Mental Health Services and Countermeasures

  5. 加快社区精神卫生服务运行机制的改革。

    Speed up revolutions in operational system of community mental health services .

  6. 社区精神卫生服务人员素质亟待提高;

    The quality of community mental health staff needs improvements ;

  7. 结论老年神经症是一组十分常见的心理障碍。在老年人群中患病率很高,影响老人心身健康,是社区精神卫生保健工作的重要任务之一。

    Conclusion : Neurosis in the urban elderly is a common psychological disorder .

  8. 定量调查主要是收集4个区县的社区精神卫生服务和投入的资料。

    Quantitative analysis focuses on collecting materials of mental health services and resources input .

  9. 社区精神卫生服务要求培训专业的临床社会工作者;

    The results showed that it is imperative to develop community mental health service in China .

  10. 这和目前全球对社区精神卫生保健倡导的一致。

    This will be in line with the current global focus on community mental health care delivery .

  11. 结果:大部分患者对澳洲社区精神卫生服务评价较高,认为效果较好。

    RESULTS : The majority of the subjects had high approval of Australian psychiatric services , especially community mental health services .

  12. 方法利用社区精神卫生工作网络,用自行设计的调查表进行调查和统计分析。

    Method : Investigations and statistic analysis were based on the . self-designed questionnaires using the district psychiatric health working network .

  13. 世卫组织将向发展中国家提供技术支持以便推动这些措施,使能在其国内提供社区精神卫生保健。

    WHO provides technical support to developing countries to take these steps towards making community mental health care available within their countries .

  14. 尽快建立社区精神卫生服务标准,探索社区精神卫生服务的新模式;

    It would be in need of training professional clinic social workel 's and setting up service criterion for Chinese community mental health service .

  15. 目的探讨昆明市社区精神卫生服务需求及其影响因素,为社区开展精神卫生服务工作提供参考依据。

    Objective To analyze the needs and influence factors ofm ental health service in Kunming , and to provide evidence basis for the deliveryof community services .

  16. 第一种模式中,精神卫生工作者受雇于一个社区精神卫生中心,被安置到一个大型儿科。

    In one model , a practitioner who was employed by a community Mental Health Center was stationed in a large pediatric practice , Aegis Winston East .

  17. 结论在社区精神卫生服务中应重点关注心理社会因素对神经症的发生、发展作用。

    Conclusion : We should put more emphasis upon how the psychological and social factors influence the occurrence , development of neurosis in community mental health care .

  18. 通过研究得出加强上海市社区精神卫生服务与投入的对策和建议为:(1)健全和落实精神卫生法律、法规和政策;

    Through the research , measures and suggestions are made to address the problems : ( 1 ) improve and implement laws 、 regulations and rules in mental health ;

  19. 舞蹈治疗师工作在精神病医院、诊所、日间护理站、社区精神卫生中心、发展中心、劳改所、特殊学校和康复机构。

    They are employed in psychiatric hospitals , clinics , day care , community mental health centers , developmental centers , correctional facilities , special schools and rehabilitation facilities .

  20. 通过这种方式,患者的能会受到更多尊重。这和目前全球对社区精神卫生保健倡导的一致。

    Here , patients ' human rights are likely to be better respected . This will be in line with the current global focus on community mental health care delivery .

  21. 本研究结果发现,虽然上海市社区精神卫生工作取得了相当不错的成绩,但是目前上海市社区精神卫生服务与投入仍存在着诸多问题:(1)社区精神疾病康复服务形式有限;

    According to the thesis , although Shanghai excels in community health work , at present various problems remain : ( 1 ) the forms of community mental rehabilitation are limited ;

  22. 改革社区精神卫生服务投入体制和机制,可通过增加和调整精神卫生工作投入、变政府财政直接投入为政府购买、建立科学的绩效评估标准等方法来实现;

    Adjust system and mechanism of community mental health services inputs by increasing and modifying inputs , transforming direct governmental fiscal inputs into governmental purchases and establishing scientific efficiency assessment , etc. ;

  23. 呼吁社区精神卫生服务尤其及时,因为尽管世卫组织于2001年发出明确信息,但是只有少数国家在这方面取得了适当的进展。

    The call for community mental health services is especially timely since , in spite of a clear message from WHO in2001 , only a few countries have made adequate progress in this area .

  24. 国外很多实践已证实社区精神卫生服务不仅能节省医疗费用、整合社会资源,还便于精神障碍患者更好的回归社会。

    Lots of foreign practice has confirmed that community mental health services can not only save medical costs and integrate social resources , but also facilitate the return of patients with mental disorders to society .

  25. 结论:当前入院精神分裂症病人由于受社会大环境及社区精神卫生网的影响,精神病性症状减轻或症状不典型或以类神经症表现为主。护理诊断应因人而异。

    Conclusion : Due to the development of the social environment and community psychic health net , current hospitalized schizophrenic patients whose psychiatric symptoms are not typical or mainly manifest - neuropathy - like symptoms .

  26. 目的了解1991年与2001年绍兴市人群中精神疾病的患病率及社区精神卫生服务状况。

    Objective This study aimed to compare the prevalence of mental disorders and services for people with mental health problems in Shaoxing city between 1991 and 2001 in order to provide scientific bases for prevention and treatment .

  27. 在这方面,上海市从20世纪50年代就进行了有益的探索,开创出具有上海特点的精神病防治三级网络工作模式,对中国社区精神卫生发展做出了很大的贡献。

    In this aspect , Shanghai began its pursuit long before 1950s , and explored a three-level network model in prevention of mental diseases with a Shanghai characteristic , which proved to be a great contribution to China 's mental health course .

  28. 比如,持续存在的社会经济压力被看作是个人和社区的精神卫生危险因素。

    For example , persistent socio-economic pressures are recognized risks to mental health for individuals and communities .

  29. 为各级-医院、初级卫生保健和社区机构精神卫生工作者制定质量标准。

    Set quality standards for mental health workers at all levels – hospitals , primary health care , and community settings .

  30. 支持在初级卫生保健、综合医院和社区中发展精神卫生服务。

    Support the development of mental health services in primary health care , general hospitals and in the community .