
  • 网络the social space
  1. 空间可以分为物理空间和社会空间两个层次。

    Space can be divided into physical space and social space .

  2. 中国乡村社会空间的形成与演化

    The formation and evolution of the rural social space in China

  3. 城市绅士化(Gentrification)是西方国家再城市化过程中,城市中心区更新(复兴)的一种新的社会空间现象。

    The gentrification is a new kind of phenomenon in space with the Western nation urbanized process and the city center area renew .

  4. 社会空间也属于客观空间。

    Social space is also one part of objective space .

  5. 明清北京城市社会空间结构概说

    The Structure of the Urban Social Space in Ming-Qing Beijing

  6. 新时期南京居住社会空间的双重碎片化

    Residential Socio-spatial " Dual-fragmentation " in Nanjing in New Era

  7. 城市社会空间的隔离也是人们自我选择的结果。

    Urban social isolation is also roomed in the self-selection of people .

  8. 我国城市社会空间结构特征及其演变趋势

    China Cities : characteristics and evolving trends of the social spatial structure

  9. 开发区发展与西安城市经济社会空间极化分异

    Rise of New Special Development Zones and Polarization of Socio-economic Space in Xi'an

  10. 西方城市社会空间结构研究回顾及进展

    A Review of the Urban Social Structure and Its Development in Western Countries

  11. 北京社会空间结构影响因素及其演化研究

    The Impact Factors of the Beijing Social Spatial Structure

  12. 金融信贷业对社会空间和物质空间的空间非均衡的影响;

    The impact of financial institute on social-spatial unbalance ;

  13. 封闭社区的形成机理与社会空间效应

    The forming mechanism and social-spatial effects of gated community

  14. 边缘社区:城市族群社会空间透视

    Marginal community : a perspective of the social space of the urban communities

  15. 社会空间理论对于二元城乡关系走向融合发展具有强大的推动力和阐释力。

    Theory of social space for the binary relations has strong explanatory power .

  16. 男人支配着不明确属于任何人的社会空间。

    Men dominated the social space that didn 't clearly belong to either person .

  17. 轿车文明对都市社会空间的重塑

    Reconstruction of Urban Social Space by Car Civilization

  18. 转型期中国城市社会空间演进动力及其模式研究&以广州市为例

    Studies on the Driving Forces and Model of Guangzhou Social Space in Socio-Economic Transition

  19. 城市社会空间扩展的研究;

    Research on expanding of urban social space ;

  20. 房地产社会空间包括利益空间、社区空间、生态空间和美学空间。

    The social space includes space of benefits , community , ecology and aesthetics .

  21. 国家意识与民间文化的传承&《民间信仰与社会空间》导言

    State Consciousness and the Inheritance of Folk Culture

  22. 广州市社会空间的因子生态再分析

    An ecological Reanalysis on the factors related to social spatial structure in Guangzhou City

  23. 有关社会主义转型国家城市社会空间的研究述评

    Summaries and Analysis on the studies about urban social space in the socialist transitional countries

  24. 当前中国城市社会空间分异的增加是全球化和政治经济转型背景下城市转型的基本趋势。

    Socio-spatial differentiation in contemporary urban China mirrors the trend of urban transformation under globalization .

  25. 接着我们又对女工的一般社会空间交往行为进行了梳理。

    Then I analysis the communicative action of the general social space for female workers .

  26. 空间隔离包括物质空间隔离、社会空间隔离、心理空间隔离。

    The spatial segregation includes physical spatial segregation , social spatial segregation and mental spatial segregation .

  27. 社会空间的另一种想象&社会网络分析的结构视野

    A New Image of Social Space : A structural version on the analyses of social network

  28. 从大的方面说,社会空间是社会等级的支架。社会阶级阶层和空间的层级是相对应的。

    From the major aspects , the social space is the social hierarchy of the stent .

  29. 从移民社会空间的特征和意义等方面对拖砖移民群体进行了总体评价。

    The paper evaluates the brick-transport groups in social space characters , meanings and so on .

  30. 改革开放以来上海郊区社会空间结构演化的机制解析

    Mechanism analysis of social spatial structure evolution in suburban area of Shanghai since reform and open policy