
  1. 社会扶贫的主体是政府非专职扶贫机构和非政府组织。

    The social poverty alleviation work is organized by the poverty-time government organ or the non-government tissue .

  2. 其中社会扶贫是中国农村扶贫最为显著的特色之一。

    Poverty reduction by the society is one of the most significant feature of the rural poverty alleviation .

  3. 民族地区的贫困者由于种种原因,很容易对政府和社会的扶贫工作形成某些心理依赖,其中既有客观原因,也有主观成因。

    Owing to various reasons , poor people in the minority areas are apt to develop a dependent psychology upon social and governmental support .

  4. 引导社会力量参与扶贫事业。

    We will guide nongovernmental forces to participate in poverty alleviation .

  5. 动员和组织社会各界参与扶贫。

    Mobilizing and organizing all social sectors to participate in aiding the poor .

  6. 坚持政府主导,广泛动员和组织全社会力量参与扶贫开发;

    Thirdly , insist that the government is dominate , mobilizing and organizing extensively the whole social power to participate it ;

  7. 文章建议,今后农村反贫困战略的重点应从以促进收入增长的开发式扶贫向以改善收入分配为重点的社会保护式扶贫政策转变。

    The paper recommends that in future the focus of anti-poverty policies in rural areas should change from the development style which to promote income growth to the social protection style which to improve income distribution .

  8. 本研究认为,甘孜州要在科学发展观的指导下从产业层次、人口素质、社会保障、扶贫开发机制四个方面实现反贫困。

    This study suggests that if Ganzi Canton intends to achieve anti-poverty mechanism , it must begin with the industrial level , population quality , social security , poverty alleviation and development , under the guidance of scientific concept of development . Specifically , it concludes four aspects .

  9. 中国社科院社会保障和扶贫立法专家余少祥接受《环球时报》时表示,之所以这份新闻能够引起如此大的反响,是因为它展示了在中国城市大众相对舒适生活和农村残酷人生之间存在的的鲜明对比。

    Yu Shaoxiang , an expert on social security and poverty relief legislation at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences told the Global Times that the news went viral because it shows the sharp contrast between the relatively comfortable lives of China 's urban majority , and the harsh life in villages like these .

  10. 构建和谐社会与图书馆信息扶贫

    A harmonious society construction and library information adding

  11. 在政策建议上,对应三大资本建设,相应提出财政税收、金融扶贫、人力资源、社会发展和专项扶贫政策建议。

    Fourthly , about policies and recommendations , the paper proposes taxation and finance , finance poverty alleviation , human resources , social development and special poverty reduction policies , corresponding to the three capital construction .

  12. 行政国家“主要表现为政府扶贫机构的不断膨胀与行政权力的不断扩张与渗透,而空心社会”则主要表现为社会扶贫力量的低组织化及其作用的微量化。

    Administrative state is mainly manifest by the continued expansion of governmental anti-poverty agencies and the expansion as well as penetration of administrative power , while hollow society is mainly manifest by low organized of social anti-poverty forces and the little function on anti-poverty of society .