
  • 网络social etiquette;Social ritual;social code;Social Ceremony
  1. 社会礼仪专家丽兹•布鲁尔告诉英国广播公司说,她觉得这张照片“让人不舒服”。

    Social etiquette expert Liz Brewer told the BBC that she found the photo " uncomfortable . "

  2. 在此基础上,作者论述了平民阶层的日常生活情况,以及和平民生活息息相关的社会礼仪,并解释了当时平民的思想状态。

    On this basis , the author has described the daily life situation of common people 's stratum , and and common people 's social etiquette with closely bound up life , and has explained common people 's thought state at that time .

  3. 这是对社会礼仪的公然冒犯。

    It was an affront to common decency .

  4. 情商、社会礼仪、亲切感正是这类人所缺乏的。

    Emotional intelligence , social graces , friendliness are just some of the things these people lack .

  5. 有序排队是英国典型的社会礼仪,即便在不久前诺森罗克银行发生挤兑危机期间,人们仍坚持自觉排队。

    Orderly queuing as seen during the recent Northern Rock banking crisis is seen as a quintessentially British convention .

  6. 儒家思想很早就传入越南并在越南不断发展,对越南古代的政治、经济制度、社会礼仪规范、民间的风俗习惯都产生了巨大的影响。

    After Confucianism was introduced into Vietnam in ancient times , it exerted great influence on the nation 's politics , economy , etiquette , customs and other institutions .

  7. 目标在于理解人们与个体产品交互时的行为和习惯,而不是理解整个文化的行为和社会礼仪。

    Rather than trying to understand behaviors and social rituals of an entire culture , the goal is to understand the behaviors and rituals of people interacting with individual products .

  8. 在英国的外国留学生们得学学排队上车的“社会礼仪”了,因为当地居民抱怨他们上车时不自觉排队。

    Foreign students visiting Britain are to be educated in the etiquette of queuing for buses , after local users complained about them not observing the conventions of standing in line .

  9. 阐述了跨文化交际的重要作用,论述了东西方文化在价值观、道德标准、风俗习惯、社会礼仪、思维方式和写作方式等方面的差异。

    This paper analyzes the importance of international communication and discusses some major cultural differences between China and western countries , such as values , moral standards , customs , social etiquettes , thinking styles and writing styles , etc.

  10. 从炎黄时代开始,中国服饰就具有了典雅和象征的传统。在其后三千多年的历史进程中,服饰逐渐成为中国社会礼仪系统中一个必不可少的组成部分。

    For over three thousand years , since the period of the Yellow Emperor , Chinese costume has been a tradition of elegance and symbolism , and has evolved into an essential part of the etiquette system in Chinese society .

  11. 鼓吹乐在社会礼仪中的实际应用为六朝时期五礼的制度化坚定了社会基础,成为魏晋之际国家礼制变革的重要推动力量;

    Wind-and-percussion music provided a firm social foundation in the practical application of music for the ceremony of the Six Dynasties Period , and became an important driving force for changes in the system of national ceremony in Wei and Jin ;

  12. 和谐社会对礼仪文明的重新解读

    Re-explanation on proprieties civilization by harmony society

  13. 明堂是封建社会重要的礼仪建筑。

    Ming Tang is the important architecture for ceremony and propriety in the feudal society of China .

  14. 这个礼仪规范包括信念、伦理、礼貌、举止、社会行为、礼仪和治国之道。

    The Li code embraced beliefs , ethics , manners , deportment , social behaviour , ceremony and statecraft .

  15. 二是伦理、文化层面,包括维系社会关系的礼仪习俗。

    And at the ethical and cultural level , it helped preserve the rites and customs in social relations .

  16. 这一点,加上这里的多元种族社会、不拘礼仪的生活方式,宜人的气候,使得外国人才近悦远来。

    This , together with its multiracial society , informal lifestyle and agreeable climate , lure foreigners to its shores .

  17. 这种观念加上硅谷多宗族的社会、不拘礼仪的生活方式、舒适宜人的气候,使外国人近悦远来。//

    This , together with its multiracial society , informal lifestyle and agreeable climate , lures foreigners to its shores . / /

  18. 多少年来,他进行了许多漫无边际的研究,尝试过多次杂乱无章的计划,进行过无数毫无系统的思考;开始对社会习俗和礼仪明显表现出满不在乎的态度。

    He spent years and years in desultory studies , undertakings , and meditations ; he began to evince considerable indifference to social forms and observances .

  19. 社会要是没有礼仪,就会陷入可悲的境地,而社会成员之间所必须的交往就会被无谓的冲动和纠纷所干扰。

    Without etiquette , the society will sink into a pitiable state . Furthermore , the necessary contacts among society members will be disturbed by pointless impulsion and dispute .

  20. 我国朝鲜族的人生礼仪发挥了重要的礼仪教育或道德教育的功能,对重塑我国全社会良好的礼仪道德体系有重要借鉴价值。

    Chinese Korean life ritual of etiquette has played an important function in moral education . It has importantly value to remoulds our country entire society good etiquette moral system .

  21. 当今社会规则和礼仪已经不受重视了,很有可能这种宴会被压抑的本质是这一恐惧症的部分原因。

    In today 's society in which rules and formality are out the window , it is possible that the more controlled nature of a dinner party may lie partly behind this phobia .

  22. 人若不穿衣服,就会一丝不挂,令人耻笑,必然导致道德败坏,社会要是没有礼仪,就会陷入可悲的境地,而社会成员之间所必需的交往就会被无谓的冲突和纠纷所干扰。

    Without apparel men would go in shameful nudity which would surely lead to the corruption of morals ; and without etiquette society would be in a pitiable state and the necessary intercourse between its members would be interfered with by needless offences and troubles .

  23. 包括5个方面:口头传说和表述,包括作为非物质文化遗产媒介的语言;表演艺术;社会风俗、礼仪、节庆;有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践;传统的手工艺技能。

    Intangible cultural heritage including 5 domains : oral traditions and expression , including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage ; performing arts ; social practices , rituals and festive events ; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe ; traditional craftsmanship .

  24. 和谐社会视野下大学生礼仪修养提升的路径选择

    The Route of Lifting College Student 's Etiquette under the Scope of the Harmonious Society

  25. 乡村社会中的婚姻礼仪变迁&基于鄂中荣村的研究

    Changes in Marriage Customs in Rural Areas & A Study of Rong Village in Central Hubei Province

  26. 尽管到了战国时期,随着社会的变革和礼仪道德的沦丧,史监因丧失其赖以存在的社会环境而走向衰落,但我们在后世社会总是能够发现其遗留。

    During the Warring Period , with the change of society , Shi jian has lost the social milieu that it based on .

  27. 在范围上,非物质文化遗产包括口头传统与表达,表演艺术,社会实践、仪式礼仪、节日典礼,有关自然界和宇宙的知识和实践,传统的手工艺技能五个方面。

    As for the scope , intangible cultural heritage includes oral traditions and expressions , performing arts , social practices , rituals , festivals ceremony , the nature and the universe of knowledge and practice and traditional craftsmanship .

  28. 要积极探索重建武术礼仪的对策,社会的发展武术礼仪存在不同程度的消弱,因此需要重建武术礼仪,加强教育完善武术礼仪的实现途径。

    We should actively explore the reconstruction the countermeasure of Wushu etiquette , social development Wushu etiquette exist the different degree of extinction , therefore requiring reconstruction of Wushu etiquette , strengthen education to improve Wushu etiquette implementation way .

  29. 在社会现状中可以看到礼仪文明存在诸多的失范现象,它严重制约了全社会文明礼仪水准的提高,也影响了和谐社会的进程与发展。

    There are many disordered phenomena of proprieties civilization in society , they restrict badly the improvement of whole social proprieties civilization level , affect the advancement and development of harmonious society .

  30. 其实,礼对于当今社会依然十分重要,构建和谐社会,仍然需要礼仪规范。

    In fact , it is very important for the rites to construct harmonious and flourish society .