
  1. 宋玉是战国晚期楚国著名的辞赋作家,历来与屈原并尊为“中国文学之祖”。

    Song Yu was a famous Ci - Fu writer of the state Chu in the late Warring States , who , together with Qu Yuan were respected as ' The founders of Chinese literature .

  2. 亨利·詹姆斯是英美文学中的文学大师,并被尊为国际小说之父。

    Henry James is a literary master in British and America literature and is considered as ' the father of international novelist ' .

  3. 作为北宋文学改良运动的领袖,欧阳修用他创造性的文学作品赢得了不朽的声望并被尊为唐宋八大家之一。

    As the leader of the literary reform movement in the Northern Song Dynasty , Ouyang established monumental prestige with his creative works and was esteemed as one of the " Eight Great Masters of Tang and Song . "

  4. 清官文化充分体现了儒学精髓,并表现为尊礼、民本、独立精神等儒学思维。

    Clean government fully reflects the culture and the essence of Confucianism , and the performance of the " respect " from others , " People ", " independent spirit " and other Confucian thinking .

  5. 在创世记中,耶和华已经将蛇作为人类的欺骗者定罪,惩罚它只能用腹部爬行,然而所有来到帕特农神庙并对这尊雕像礼拜赞叹的人,均被迫仰视雅典娜和那条蛇。

    In genesis , Yahweh had condemned the serpent to crawl on its belly as a deceiver of humanity , yet all who entered the Parthenon to worship or admire the great statue were forced to look up to both Athena and the serpent .