
bìng tiáo
  • drawing;drawing out
并条[bìng tiáo]
  1. 并条牵伸工艺研究

    Research of Drawing Drafting Process

  2. 介绍了在线检测系统的构成和在线检测技术在清花、梳棉、并条等工序中的应用情况。

    This paper introduces the on-line detection system of spinning processing and its application in picking , carding and drawing .

  3. 研究认为,并条纱条可以用AR(n)模型及ARMA(m,n)模型进行预测控制,且模型的阶次一般为2~5。

    It is verified that the drawing sliver unevenness can be predicted by AR ( n ) model and ARMA ( m , n ) model , and the order of the model is generally 2 to 5 .

  4. BYZ型并条自调匀整装置的使用实践

    Use Practice of BYZ Autoleveller on Drawing Frames

  5. BYZ型并条自调匀整装置性能与使用分析影响破碎缩分机性能与使用的因素分析

    Performance and Use Analyses of BYZ Autoleveller on Drawing Frames The factors of influencing performance and use of crushing-dividing machine

  6. FA326型并条机性能先进,自动化程度高,可有效地改善并条的条干不匀率、重量不匀率等质量指标。

    The performance of FA326 type drawing frame is advance and its automation is high , which can improve effectively quality index such as yarn irregularity , weight unevenness etc.

  7. 利用德国SGLCARBONGROUP公司生产的320K预氧化纤维长丝,合理制定牵切、并条、粗纱、细纱工艺,纺制预氧化纤维的纱线,并织成了相应织物。

    Spinning preliminary heat treatment in oxidizing yarn with 320K preliminary heat treatment in oxidizing filament of Germany SGL CARBON GROUP company and reasonable draft multiple and staple length , drawing , roving , spinning process was used , so relative fabric is got .

  8. 本文从对试验数据的研究出发,结合并条牵伸、并合原理以及涤棉混纺工艺特性的分析,论述了在T/CJ13tex纱生产中不采用涤预并的可行性。

    Abstract From the Angle of test data , the writer represents the feasibility of process T / CJ13tex yarn with out polyester pre-drawing , combined drafting & doubling principle of drawing frame and analysis of polyester / cotton blending process features .

  9. 新型并条胶辊套筒的特点及运用

    Application of New Cot Sleeve on Doubling Frame and Characteristics thereof

  10. 并条机械波波谱分析及应用

    Application and Analysis of Wave-length Spectrum of Drawing Mechanical Wave

  11. 并条与细纱工序(轻重)小齿轮更换频繁。

    Frequent changes of pinion in drawing and ring spinning .

  12. 并条胶辊表面处理方法的技术分析和探讨

    Tech Analysis of and Approach into the Surface Processing of Draw Cots

  13. TC9086高速并条胶辊的应用实践

    Application of Hi-speed Cots TC 9086 for Drawing Frame

  14. 并条或转杯喇叭口宽。

    Wider nozzle at draw frame or rotor .

  15. 在并条或粗纱加工阶段意外伸长。

    Sliver or roving stretch at any stage .

  16. 论不同纺纱系统并条工序的作用

    Function of Drawing Process in Different Spinning System

  17. 并条工序棉条皱褶直接影响成纱质量的稳定和后工序生产效率的提高。

    Gofer in drawing process influence on the yarn quality stability and production efficiency of back process .

  18. 并条采用低速度、中定量、大隔距、顺牵伸;

    Low speed , medium weight , big gauge , normal draft were adopted in drawing process .

  19. 并条合理配置牵伸,解决好缠、绕、堵和静电问题;

    In drawing process draft should be set rationally to resolve winding , blocking and static electricity et al problems .

  20. 这种纤维也适于同MattoGrosso棉纤维混合,即使是采用两道并条。

    The fiber is also suitable for blending with Matto Grosso cotton , even in a process with two drawframe passages .

  21. 锥形胶辊在精梳和并条上的应用实践按梁的结构和受载情况对梁进行分段,建立了梁的扭矩、剪力、弯矩和变形的分段计算模型;

    Application of Cone Shaped Cots in Combing and Drawing Process The beam consists of cylindrical and cone - shaped sections .

  22. 并条和粗纱在棉纺工程中的作用,随着系统纺纱工艺理论的发展日益被人们所重视。

    Function in cotton spinning engineering of drawing and roving is taken attention to the develop of system spinning technology principle .

  23. 在普纱系统中提高纤维伸直度的关键工序是并条工序。

    Thekey process improving fibre straightness is drawing process in carding system , however , in combing system , is combing process .

  24. 由于在生产粗梳毛纱的过程中没有并条,与粗梳棉纱相比,粗梳毛纱中纤维的定向排列较差。

    Because of the absence of drawing in making woolen yarns , the yarns have less fiber orientation than carded cotton yarns .

  25. 澳毛/粘胶/三角形截面异形涤纶20/60/2018.5tex采用分别制条,在并条混和的纺纱工艺流程。

    Spinning technology of Australian wool viscose triangle abnormal cross-section polyester blending yarn is separate sliver and blending slivers in drawing process .

  26. 本文着重确定了梳棉、头道并条、末道并条与成纱棉结之间的关系。

    It is demonstrated by experiments that there is a linear correlation relationship among carding , first drawing , final strawing and yarn nep .

  27. 棉纺并条粗纱工程的有关问题&中国纺织工程学会棉纺织专业委员会2004年全国传统纺并条粗纱技术进步学术研讨会会议小结

    Relation Questions in Drawing and Roving Engineering of Cotton Spinning Summarize of 2004 Drawing and Roving Technology of National Traditional Spinning Advanced Researching Conference

  28. 并条是纺纱工艺中不可缺少的枢纽,粗纱是细纱的准备,是成纱质量的基础。

    Drawing is an indispensable step in spinning process , while roving is the preparation step for spinning and the basis for yarn quality .

  29. 对于需要精梳的纱线,梳棉棉条通过头道并条后,进入精梳工序进行加工。

    For yarns that require the additional step , the card sliver goes through the breaker - drawing step and then to the combing operation .

  30. 介绍了原棉指标、纺纱工艺流程,通过纺纱试验,对并条道数、分梳辊速度、纺杯型号与速度、阻捻盘型号及车间温湿度等工艺进行了优选配置。

    Drawing passage , combing roller speed , rotor type & rotor speed , navel type and workshop moisture temperature are optimized by spinning test .