
bìng shā
  • Blending yarn;doubling
并纱[bìng shā]
  1. 并纱工序是纺织工序中的重要环节,并纱机的监控系统的完善和发展是各个纺织企业一直在努力追求的。

    Therefore to improve the monitoring system of doubling machine is the target that every textile enterprises trying to archive .

  2. 水溶性维纶纤维(PVA)及其与棉交并纱的水溶解性能

    Water soluble properties of PVA fiber and yarn of cotton / PVA fiber

  3. 棉纺赛络纺将细纱,并纱,捻线合为一道工序,可以生产出特殊风格的AB纱,麻灰纱,具备较少的设备投资和较强的品种适应性。

    The cotton siro-spinning makes the spinning , combining and twisting into one working procedure , and can produce the AB yarn and the hemp ash yarn with special style , and can have less equipment investment and better adaptability .

  4. 在我国传统纺织工业中,纺织并纱机会经常发生断纱现象。

    In traditional textile industry of our country , yarn-breaking often occurred in textile doublingwinder .

  5. 玻璃纤维丙纶混并纱纬编针织复合材料拉伸性能的研究

    A Study on the Tensile Properties of Weft-knitted Structural Composites from Glass Fiber and PP Commingled Yarns

  6. 主要从事络筒、并纱、倍捻为主的系列纺机设备的专业生产。

    The company is engaged in special production of series of spinner facilities mainly in winding machinery , drawing frames and double-twisting frames .

  7. 文章通过实验,介绍了水溶性维纶纤维、维/棉交并纱及其所织毛巾的维纶溶解性能,分析了其溶解温度的相异性。

    The article introduced the water soluble property of PVA fiber , yarn and towel fabric of cotton / PVA fiber , and directly analyzing their difference of water soluble temperature through experiments .

  8. 混合后的纤维被吹送到紧压罗拉并形成纱层。

    The blend of fibers is blown onto a collecting cylinder to form a layer .

  9. 它的性能决定了电子清纱器能否很好的实现检测并清除纱疵、控制纱线质量的目标。

    The electronic yarn cleaner can detect and exscind the flaw effectively or not rest with the sensor 's quality .

  10. 将赛络纺新技术应用于毛氨包芯纱的纺制,并对纱的结构及性能进行测试。

    The sirospun technigue has been applied to producing wool / spandex core yarn which then measured on structure and some properties .

  11. 并将Modal纱与粘胶纤维、棉纱、涤纶短纤维纱的物理指标进行了测试对比,还对Modal混纺织物的服用性能进行了测试研究。

    The physical indexes of Modal yarn , mucilage glue yarn , cotton yarn , and terylene yarn were tested and compared . And the clothing character of Modal mixed spinning fabric was tested and studied .

  12. 结果表明,并合变形纱涂层织物具有优越的物理性能,可用于做特殊用途的篷盖材料。

    The results indicates that combining textured yarn coated fabric possesses superior physical properties and can be used in tent products with particular use .

  13. 为了探讨大豆蛋白纤维转杯纺纱的合理工艺,对大豆蛋白纤维转杯纺的主要工艺参数进行了设计,并对成纱质量进行了测试。

    To discuss reasonable processing of soybean protein rotor spinning yarn , main processing parameters of soybean protein fiber rotor spinning were designed , yarn quality was tested .

  14. 文章具体分析其形成的原因,并从筒纱质量、设备运行状况、染色工艺等方面提出了相应预防措施。

    The causes to form are analysed detailedly , and the precautions to take are proposed from the aspects of cheese yarn quality , equipment operating condition and dyeing techniques .

  15. 对空心纱的纱线特征和形成机理作了全面、系统的分析,对生产中的主要工艺参数进行优化设计,并就空心纱产品开发应用中需注意的问题进行初步探讨研究。

    A comprehensive and systematic analysis was made of the characteristics and forming mechanism of the hollow yarn , and main process parameters were optimized . Tips for downstream product development were discussed .

  16. 介绍了木棉的基本特性,并就成纱质量、纺纱加工方法探讨了木棉纤维的可纺性,最后对木棉纺织产品作了简要介绍。

    This paper introduces the basic characteristics of kapok fiber , discusses its spinnability from two aspect of yarn quality and spinning process method and ended with a brief introduction of the kapok fiber textile products .

  17. 在纺织机械中,并纱机是用来将络筒机络成的棉、毛及其他化纤混纺的单纱筒子并合成股纱筒子,供倍捻等后道工序使用。

    In the textile industry , the doubling machine is used to combine several single yarn tubes which are blended by cotton , wools and other fibers from winding machine to muti-yarn for the use of next processes such as twist .

  18. 本文采用数值模拟和试验相结合的研究方法,对自动络筒机吸纱风道在多种工况下内部的压力和速度分布情况进行了研究,并针对吸纱风道内部流场分布提出了优化方案。

    Numerical and experimental methods are combined to investigate the internal pressure and velocity distributions of the automatic winder machine yarn suction duct at multiple working conditions . With the internal pressure and velocity analyzed , the optimization schemes are put forward .

  19. 认为采取正确的操作方法、对新型国产捻度仪选择3mm伸长定位、精确计算并合理设置单纱预加张力,是准确测试单纱捻度的关键。

    The test shows that applied operation method correctly , chosen 3 mm elongation localization of new type domestic twister and precise calculate and set pre-tension on single yarn reasonable are keys in testing single yarn twist exactly .

  20. 并对空芯纱织物的透气性和厚度等进行了测试与分析。

    The air permeability and thickness of hollow yarn fabric are tested and analyzed .

  21. 也对不同性质的芯丝所纺包芯纱的结构作了观察,并对不同成纱的性质随速度增加而变化的规律作了研究。

    The structures of core yarns with different core filamcntsarc observed and their property variations with the increasing yarn delivery speeds arc studied .

  22. 本文利用电子显微镜,对机械捻接和空气捻接纱的结构进行了剖析;并对两种纱的捻接质量进行了试验分析和比较。

    The paper analyses the structures of mechanical splicing yarn and air splicing yarn underelectrnic microscope , also tests and compares the two different yarns'quality .

  23. 最后对系统进行整机测试,通过对标准纱样的测试,得到断裂强力和断裂伸长率,并与标准测纱样机的测试结果进行比较。

    We finally get the breaking strength and elongation according to testing standard yarn sample and then compare it with the standard measuring yarn prototype results .

  24. 根据现有的国产原料,分析在国产棉纺设备上纺制特细号纱的可纺性,并对其成纱质量进行预测和估算。

    According to the existing domestic raw materials , the essay analyzed spinnable properties of the superfine cotton yarn at domestic cotton spinning equipment , it also predicted and estimated the yarn quality .

  25. 为了分析聚乳酸纤维与棉混纺纱,混纺比对成纱强伸性能的影响,将聚乳酸和棉纤维以不同混纺比混纺成纱,并对其成纱分别进行了拉伸性能试验分析。

    To analyze the influences on yarn tensile property of polylactic acid cotton blending yarn blending ratio , blending yarn of different ratio was spun , tensile property test of yarn was done .

  26. 文章主要介绍了包覆纱在国内外的发展现状和发展趋势,分析了空心锭子纺纱机的纺纱原理,并阐述了包覆纱的产品开发和应用。

    The article introduces the latest development and future trend of covered yarn at home and abroad , analyzes the spinning principle and hollow-spindle spinning machine and discusses related product development and applications .

  27. 利用电镜观察玻璃纤维/聚丙烯长丝喷气混纤纱的结构,并通过对单纱热压,分析纱结中玻璃纤维的状态;

    The structure of two kinds of air jet commingled yarn of glass fiber of single yarn of the 2 yarns was analysed through microscope after hot press for single yarn , respectively .

  28. 介绍了竹/Modal氨纶弹力包芯纱的纺纱工艺设计过程,阐明了工艺参数设计原理,并对包芯纱特有纱疵的成因进行了分析,提出了有效的预防措施。

    This article has introduced the design process of its spinning technology of bamboo / Modal polyurethane elastic core-spun yarn and expounded the design principle of the craft parameter with the cause of yarn defect formation and effective precautionary measures put forward .

  29. 并通过与包缠纱织物和并捻纱织物的性能对比,得出差捻包缠纱织物的优势所在,指出差捻包缠纱织物在精纺领域应用是完全可行的。

    By comparing with wrapped yarn fabric and doubling twist yarn fabric , the conclusion that the application of differential twist wrapped yarn fabric to worsted spinning is practicable was acquired .