
  1. 本文描述了用旋转调制器对天空X、γ射线源成象并兼测能谱的方法。

    A method for imaging celestial X-ray or gamma-ray sources with a rotating modulator is described .

  2. 并兼而论述了社会主义与其他派别的关联与差异。

    There are many differences between socialist feminism and other currents .

  3. 旋转调制器用于成象并兼测能谱的研究

    Imaging and Measuring Spectra and Lines with a Rotating Modulator

  4. 并兼秘书处处长的董事迈尔斯先生。

    Mr. Miles , who is also the Company Secretary .

  5. 大熊猫人工授精的正确部位应该在何处?&并兼与同行商榷

    Where is the right place to do artificial insemination on right of fishery

  6. 他主管台湾的考试院并兼大学教授。

    He was also head of Taiwan 's Examination Yuan and a university professor .

  7. 在过去的几年中,我从事英语?波兰语的翻译工作,并兼做网页设计。

    In the past few years , I have worked as an English-Polish translator and as a web designer .

  8. 大姐的店铺是小型诊所,并兼住家与餐馆。

    Wayan 's place is a very small medical clinic and home and restaurant all at the same time .

  9. 这种数量的巨大主要表现在繁复与堆叠的创作手法和丰富多彩、驳杂并兼的创作题材上。

    This " huge number " is mainly embodied in creation of complex stacking techniques , and colorful and heterogeneous creative theme .

  10. 本论文主要采用的研究方法是归纳总结和系统分析的方法,并兼采比较、演绎、案例分析等方法进行论述和说明。

    The methods of this study involve inductive summery and systematic analysis as the main , giving attention to the analysis from the comparison , deduction and cases .

  11. 以诗歌所反映的生活内容、诗中所用的词汇等判定《诗经》中的女性口吻诗歌,并兼及其在《诗经》各部分的分布。

    This paper will discuss the determination of poems with feminine tones from the lives , words in the poems and the different distributions in " Book of Songs " .

  12. 目前主要通过添加合金元素,开发制备工艺,改进微观相组织结构并兼以适当的表面处理,以提高钒固溶体型合金和镁基合金常温常压下的吸放氢特性及活化性能。

    By adding alloying elements , using effective producing method and surface treatment , the hydrogen absorption desorption properties , high rate capability and activation process of these alloys were remarkably improved .

  13. 为确保工程质量,创造良好的投资环境,对不正当竞争行为采取相应措施,并兼采国际先进制度,是工程行业迫在眉睫之势。

    It is now urgent to take effective measures and adopt the advanced system abroad to curb the malfeasant competition in building industry to insure the construction quality and create favorable investment circumstance .

  14. 在立法模式方面,笔者主张以区别于婚姻的不登记制为主,承认同居合同的效力,并兼采区别于婚姻的登记制。

    As to the legislation model , the author maintains to adopt unregistered model unequal to marriage in principal , recognize cohabitation agreement , and to adopt registered model unequal to marriage in addition .

  15. 本文通过对马克思的异化概念、实践概念和历史科学概念的扼要讨论,指认马克思的哲学革命属于后一种性质,并兼而论及马克思学说对当代中国文化和哲学思想之出路的启示意义。

    After a discussion on Marx 's conceptions of alienation , praxis and " historical science ", this paper holds that Marx 's revolution of philosophy belongs to the latter . It also discusses the enlightenment by Marx 's doctrine in contemporary Chinese culture and philosophical thinking .

  16. 结论SSSS及脓疱疮患儿的致病金葡菌主要为产ET菌株,并以兼产ETA和ETB菌株为主。

    Conclusion In Chongqing , ET-producing SA is the common pathogenic bacteria of SSSS and impetigo , and most of SA strains produce both ETA and ETB .

  17. 夫妻得到黄金,回家孝敬母亲,并得以兼养孩子。

    Husband and wife to get gold , go home caring mother , and to and raise children .

  18. 为了确保我和姐妹们得到最好的教育机会,我的母亲必须长时间地劳作并同时兼几份工。

    My mother who 's here , she worked long hours and multiple jobs to make sure that my sisters and I have the best opportunities possible .

  19. 文摘:通过论述感应和表现的关联,分析了名作产生过程中感应和表现的重要相关作用,并以此兼述上海国际酒吧城的构思过程。

    Abstract : the paper analyses the important action in the process of creations on the famous architectural works by discussing inter-relationship between feeling and expression , and analyses the creating process of Shanghai International Wine centre .

  20. 在伦敦有库存并经营销售兼做代理。

    We keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents .

  21. 2002年回国,创办神州细胞工程有限公司并任董事长兼总经理。

    He returned to China in2002 and founded SinoCelltech Ltd. , acting as the general manager .

  22. 从导游自身素养和行业环境两个角度来阐述为何目前贵州导游服务质量总体偏低,并本着标本兼治的原则,对如何实现贵州导游服务质量的可持续提升提出了科学合理的对策和建议。

    This article discusses why the service quality of tour guides in Guizhou is somewhat dissatisfactory at two angles of attainment in self-cultivation and travel industry environment and also it presents scientific and reasonable countermeasures and suggestions in line with the principle of seeking both temporary and permanent solutions .

  23. 文道并焕儒释兼综&论陶望龄的学术与文学

    On the Academic and Literary Life of Tao Wangling

  24. 公司外部治理机制则影响会计信息输出、对外披露的过程。本文认为我国公司治理机制弱化,并提出以内外兼治、优势互补的公司治理机制从根本上解决会计信息披露存在的问题。

    The mechanism of external corporate governance affects the output and disclosure process of corporate governance is weakened and the false problems of accounting information disclosure can be solved thoroughly by strong-flexibility corporate mechanism .