
  • 网络parallel computational model;parallel computing model
  1. 基于流水光总线的可重构线性阵列系统(LARPBS)是一种建立在光总线上的并行计算模型,许多研究工作者已经在该模型上设计出了一些高效的并行算法。

    Linear array with reconfigurable pipelined bus system ( LARPBS ) is a parallel computational model based on optical bus . Many researchers have developed efficient parallel algorithm on this model .

  2. 并行计算模型的发展引入越来越多的模型参数。

    More and more parameters are introduced with the development of parallel computational model .

  3. 一种面向移动Agent的多任务并行计算模型及算法

    A Mobile Agent Oriented Multitask Parallel Computing Model and Algorithm

  4. 从任务级的角度,在基于主/从模式的集群系统中引入了移动Agent技术,建立了基于移动Agent的并行计算模型。

    The mobile agent technology is introduced into the cluster system . An agent-based parallel computer cluster system model based on master / slave pattern is established .

  5. 基于C/S结构的AdaDBMS分布并行计算模型

    A Distributed Parallel Computing Model of Ada_DBMS C / S Based

  6. 动态环拓扑多机系统上DBP学习算法并行计算模型的构造与实现

    Construction and implementation of the parallel computing model of DBP learning algorithm

  7. 算法可运行于一种非常简单的并行计算模型上,它由k个同步运行的处理机构成,其中1≤k≤N,N为要处理的元素个数。

    The algorithms are designed to be executed on a very simple model of parallel computation which consists of k processors , where 1 ≤ k ≤ N.

  8. 基于PVM的启发式搜索的并行计算模型设计

    Design of Heuristic Parallel Computation Model Based on PVM

  9. 介绍了一种面向移动Agent的并行计算模型,给出了采用十标度策略解决任务排序,采用满射策略解决任务映射的算法。

    A mobile agent oriented parallel computing model is introduced . In addition , an algorithm to sort tasks by 10-evenly divided scale strategy and to implement task mapping with surjection strategy is proposed .

  10. 膜系统,也称P系统,是一类分布式并行计算模型。该类计算模型主要是受细胞、组织、器官或其它生物结构处理化学物质的方式启发而建立起来的。

    Membrane systems , currently also called P systems , are a class of distributed parallel computing models , which are abstracted from the way living cells , tissue , organs , or other structures process chemical compounds .

  11. 分布式并行计算模型(DPCM)的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Distributed and Parallel Computing Model

  12. 最后,本文结合P2P网络的灵活性和两种并行计算模型的并行化处理,讨论了对等体的组织原理,实现了一组对等组的生成协议。

    Lastly , two type of parallel computing model are researched for the principle of the peer group organization , and a set of peer group building protocol are implemented .

  13. SCCM并行计算模型及其上的优化算法设计

    The SCCM parallel computation model and algorithm optimization in it

  14. 由于现代GPU体系结构的复杂性,传统的并行计算模型无法用于评估GPGPU程序的性能。

    Due to the complex architecture of GPUs , traditional parallel performance models are not applicable .

  15. 研究了分子动力学数值模拟方法、BSP并行计算模型、循环映射法和递归对剖法静态负载均衡、动态负载平衡等关键技术。

    Molecular dynamics simulation method , BSP parallel computing model , static load balance method , dynamics load balance method was studied .

  16. 在分析各种空时自适应处理(STAP)算法特点的基础上,提出了一种用于STAP的并行计算模型。

    The characteristic of space-time adaptive processing ( STAP ) algorithms is analyzed , and a parallel computation model for STAP is proposed .

  17. 在并行计算模型中,BSP模型由于具有编程简单、独立于体系结构和执行性能可预测等特点而在总体上优于其它模型。

    Of the parallel computation models , BSP model is superior to others for it ′ s simply program design , independence of architecture and predictable execution performance .

  18. 首先提出了一个基于Shared-nothing结构的抽象并行计算模型APCM。

    Firstly , a abstract parallel computing model APCM based on shared-nothing architecture is put forward .

  19. 目的CDT(范畴数据类型)是以范畴理论为基础的并行计算模型,本文对存储器类型的CDT构造进行深入的探讨。

    Aim CDT ( categorical data type ) is a parallel model basing on category theory , and this paper discusses the CDT construction of the memory type in details .

  20. DNA计算以及P系统的计算能力都被证明是与图灵机等价的,但是DNA计算与P系统采用的并行计算模型远远优于基于现代计算机的串行计算机制。

    The computer power of DNA computation and P system has been proven to be equivalent with Turing machine . But the parallel computing mechanism which is adopted by DNA computing and P system is far superior to the serial computing system which is the basis of the traditional computer .

  21. 本文结合多种代表性并行计算模型,给出异构环境中的HBSP模型和程序开销计算方法。

    In combining with the several typical parallel computing model s , Heterogeneous Bulk Synchronous Parallel ( HBSP ) model is proposed .

  22. 然后将LogP并行计算模型拓展到网格上,给出双层LogP模型和设计策略。

    The paper extends the LogP parallel computing model to the grid and presents the double LogP model . And then it presents the strategy to design parallel algorithm on the grid .

  23. 针对单处理器后序遍历二叉树的时间复杂度为O(n)问题,提出了在EREWPRAM并行计算模型下一种后序遍历二叉树的算法。

    Aiming at the postorder-traversal of a binary tree 's time complexity in single process being O ( n ), an algorithm under EREW PRAM is presented . The algorithm makes the edge of the traversal into a singly linked list .

  24. 本文基于SPMD并行计算模型,采用层次式结构模式将并行向量库划分为四个层次:应用组件层,抽象数据层,数据划分层和并行支撑层。

    Using hierarchical framework , we divide the parallel vector library into four layers based on SPMD parallel computing model : Application Component Layer , Abstract Data Layer , Data Mapping Layer and Parallel Abstraction Layer .

  25. 本文提出了网格环境下的并行计算模型G-PRAM,并在此基础上提出网格资源树遍历的一种并行实现算法,最后给出示例和说明。

    A parallel computation model in Grid environment is proposed in this paper as G-PRAM . Based on G - PRAM , we implement a parallel algorithm for traversing a Grid resource tree . In the end , a case is given .

  26. 一种面向网格的二级并行计算模型研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Bi - level Parallel Computation Model for Grid

  27. 并行计算模型在集群环境下的适应性

    Adapt ability of Parallel Computing Model in the NOWs Environment

  28. 并行计算模型参数动态分析软件包设计

    Design of Dynamic Analysis Toolkit for Parallel Computational Model Parameters

  29. 逻辑程序设计语言的数据流并行计算模型研究

    Research on Data-flow Parallel Computation Model for Logic Programming Language

  30. 并行计算模型在异构计算环境中的研究

    Study of parallel computing model in heterogeneous computing environment