
mó hu yǔ yán xué
  • fuzzy linguistics
  1. 本文在全面介绍模糊语言学各项理论的基础上,将研究重心锁定在模糊限制语(hedge)之上。

    On the basis of an all-round introduction to theories of fuzzy linguistics , the thesis pinpoints its research focus upon hedges .

  2. 论模糊语言学理论对大学英语教学的启示

    On the Suggestive Values of Fuzzy Linguistics to College English Teaching

  3. 从模糊语言学看英语委婉语

    Explanation of Euphemism in View of the Theory of Vague Linguistics

  4. 模糊语言学是一门新兴的语言学边缘学科。

    Fuzzy linguistics is a marginal subject in the making .

  5. 模糊语言学将模糊集合论应用于语言研究。

    Fuzzy linguistics applies fuzzy set theory into linguistic studies .

  6. 从模糊语言学的角度解析中国古典诗歌的翻译

    On the Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry-From the Perspective of Fuzzy Linguistics

  7. 作为相对较新的一个研究领域,模糊语言学虽在中国起步较晚,但正在引发越来越多的关注。

    As a relatively new field , Fuzzy Linguistics has got more and more attention .

  8. 本文结合国内外模糊语言学研究的实际,谈了作者的读后感。

    This paper mainly presents the author 's thoughts after reading Professor Wu 's Fuzzy Linguistics .

  9. 模糊语言学是模糊集合论与现代语言学相结合形成的一门新学科。

    Fuzzy linguistics is a new discipline formed by combination of fuzzy sets and modern linguistics .

  10. 模糊语言学视阈下的《红楼梦》诗词翻译研究

    Study on the Translation of the Poems in Hong Lou Meng in Light of Fuzzy Linguistics

  11. 然后在第二章回顾了国内外模糊语言学的研究现状。

    Then the author reviews previous studies related on fuzziness home and abroad in chapter two .

  12. 模糊语言学研究旨在探索人类语言不确定性或模糊性的表现规律极其解决途径。

    Thus , fuzzy linguistics is to find out the indeterminacy or fuzziness that a language conceives .

  13. 本论文是口译和语言学的跨学科研究,涉及模糊语言学,关联理论和口译,探讨如何处理口译中的模糊信息。

    This paper is an interdisciplinary study of interpreting and linguistics , covering fuzzy linguistics , Relevance Theory and interpreting .

  14. 模糊语言学的丰硕成果与当代修辞学相结合便形成了一门新的分支学科&模糊修辞学。

    When the rich achievement of vague linguistics study is combined with modern rhetoric , a new branch is formed .

  15. 自从模糊语言学诞生以来,模糊语言现象已受到学术界的广泛关注。

    Since the fuzzy linguistics came into being , fuzzy language phenomena have aroused great interest in the related academic circles .

  16. 模糊语言学作为语言学的一个分支,它以语言的模糊性为研究对象,揭示其内在的语言规律。

    As a branch of linguistics , fuzzy linguistics studies the fuzziness in language and tries to reveal its inherent language laws .

  17. 因此,模糊语言学研究也进入了商务英语中,尤其是对商务信函中语言的模糊性及其翻译策略的研究有很多。

    So the study of fuzzy language also includes business English , especially vague language in business English correspondence and translation strategies .

  18. 国内学界对模糊语言学与翻译学关系的跨学科研究还不够系统、完善,主要还是介绍性或感悟性的。

    This paper points out that the linguistic turn in philosophy brings about a great impact on the traditional concept of translation .

  19. 弘扬科学发展观,客观上要求构建模糊语言学与哲学的和谐体系。

    Objectively , advocating the viewpoint of scientific development calls for the establishment of a harmonious system between fuzzy linguistics and philosophy .

  20. 接下来论述了狭义模糊语言学的研究对象以及模糊与概括、歧义、含糊、不定指代的区别。

    Then talk about the research object in Fuzzy Linguistics and its differences between generalization , ambiguity , vagueness and indefinite reference .

  21. 模糊语言学的模糊理论为译学研究和数字模糊语义的翻译开辟了新的途径。

    The theory of fuzziness in fuzzy linguistics provides a new way for translation studies and practical methods for the translating of numbers .

  22. 模糊语言学的研究成果对修辞学具有极其重要的启示,它为传统的修辞学开辟了一个新的分支学科&模糊修辞学。

    The achievements in fuzzy linguistics shed light on modern rhetoric and provide a new branch to it , namely , vague rhetoric .

  23. 随着模糊语言学研究的深入,模糊语言在交际中的表达功能和修辞效果得到越来越多的重视。

    With the investigation of vague linguistics , close attention has been paid to the functions and rhetorical effects of vague language in communication .

  24. 基于这一点,论文将模糊语言学理论与古诗英译相结合进行研究。

    Based on this point , a study is made by combining the fuzzy linguistic theory with the English translation of ancient Chinese poetry .

  25. 随着模糊语言学的发展,国内外学者关注到广告中模糊限制语的使用。

    And with the development of the fuzzy linguistics , the scholars at home and abroad focus on the use of hedges in the advertisement .

  26. 模糊语言学的研究范围包含了对语音、语法、语义的模糊性的研究,并深深植根于语义学的范畴。

    The research scope of fuzzy linguistics comprises the research on phonetics , grammar , and semantics and deeply takes root in the scope of semantics .

  27. 模糊语言学,作为将模糊集合论运用于语言研究的这门新兴学科,正越来越受到语言研究者的关注。

    Vague linguistics , as a new branch of discipline where Fuzzy-set Theory is applied to linguistic exploration , has increasingly become a focus of attention .

  28. 作者介绍了模糊语言学和法律语言学的研究与发展状况。交代了文章的研究背景。

    It sketches out the thesis and gives a brief introduction to fuzzy linguistics and legal linguistics , which is the study background of this dissertation .

  29. 利用模糊语言学的研究成果,我们可以更合理,更灵活的处理法律文本中的模糊语言。

    With the achievements of fuzzy Linguistics , the fuzzy language in the legal text can be dealt with in a more reasonable and flexible way .

  30. 第一章简要介绍模糊语言学的发展、模糊语言学的相关概念以及对古典诗词研究的指导意义。

    Chapter 1 introduces the development of fuzzy linguistics and some concepts related to fuzzy linguistics as well as its guidance for the research of Chinese classical poems .