
  • 网络Multimedia Information System;MMIS
  1. 数字视频是多媒体信息系统中重要的数据类型。

    Digital video is an important data format in multimedia information systems .

  2. 多媒体信息系统需要数据库技术的支持,传统数据管理系统在多年的发展下,已经有一整套规范和运作方式。

    Multimedia information systems need the supports of traditional DBMS .

  3. 用ActiveX技术实现多媒体信息系统数据库连接

    Implementing Database Connection in Multimedia Application System by Using ActiveX Technology

  4. 超文本传输协议(HTTP)是一种为分布式,合作式,多媒体信息系统服务,面向应用层的协议。

    The Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP ) is an application-level protocol for distributed , collaborative , hypermedia information systems .

  5. 本文分析了CSCW与港口多媒体信息系统的特点与功能,阐述了CSCW在我国港口管理现代化中的重要性井分析了其可行性。

    First of all this paper analyzes the characteristics and function of the CSCW and port multimedia information system , and then it expounds CSCW 's importation in the modernization management and its feasibility in China port .

  6. 搭建满足TC-PIS系统实验及测试需求的试验平台。建立列车控制网络TCN实验平台和列车多媒体信息系统,在此基础上,实现TC-PIS样机系统,包括三个MVB网络设备和两个OFDM节点。

    A test platform satisfying the TC-PIS network experiment and test requirements is established , including a train control network and a train multi-media information system . On this basis , the TC-PIS prototype system is implemented , which includes three MVB devices and two OFDM nodes .

  7. 广西主要经济植物的多媒体信息系统

    A multimedia information system for the main economic plants in Guangxi

  8. 多媒体信息系统基于内容检索技术的研究和设计

    Research and Design of Content Based Retrieval in Multimedia Information System

  9. 军用电子地图系统&一种引人注目的多媒体信息系统

    Introduction to military electronic map an attractive multimedia information system

  10. 中国鼠疫自然疫源地多媒体信息系统的研究

    Study on the Multimedia Information System of Natural Plague Foci in China

  11. 多媒体信息系统中综合文本和图象知识的检索方法

    Combining Text and Image Information Retrieval of Multimedia Information System

  12. 甜菜高产高糖技术多媒体信息系统的研制

    Development of SMES system for high yield and high sugar in sugarbeet

  13. 多媒体信息系统正对社会各团体产生日益增大的影响。

    Multimedia information systems are affecting the organizations of society .

  14. 多媒体信息系统在微生物研究中的应用

    The application of multimedia information system on microbiology research

  15. NFPMIS&一个关于北方果树主要病虫的多媒体信息系统

    NFPMIS : An information management system for the pests of north fruit tree

  16. 变电设备管理多媒体信息系统的开发

    Development of the Multi-Media Information System for Management of Electrical Equipments in Substation

  17. 中国珍稀动物多媒体信息系统的开发

    Development of Multimedia Database of the Chinese Rare Animal

  18. 南京市农产品多媒体信息系统的开发研制

    Development of Multimedia Information System of Nanjing Agricultural Products

  19. 数字电视多媒体信息系统

    Information and benefit . Television DTV Multimedia Information System

  20. 多媒体信息系统的概念建模技术

    The Concept Modelling Technique in Multimedia Information System

  21. 传统本体技术不能很好地解决多媒体信息系统的互操作问题。

    The traditional ontology technology can not process the interoperability of multimedia information perfectly .

  22. 多媒体信息系统的社会影响

    Organizational Impacts of Multimedia Information systems

  23. 介绍了中国珍稀动物多媒体信息系统的设计过程、系统结构、功能及特点。

    This paper presents the design process and architecture , functions of multimedia database of the Chinese rare animal .

  24. 本文对在多媒体信息系统环境中信息特性上的拓广、处理形式上的变化等进行了讨论。

    The extension of information characteristics , The changers of the form of information processing are discussed in the environment of multimedia system .

  25. 车载多媒体信息系统中信息管理模块的研制教学和信息多媒体中心

    Research and Design of the Module of Information Management in the Information System of the Car-mounted Multimedia ; Center for Liaison between Teaching and Information Media

  26. 地铁车载多媒体信息系统作为最直接和乘客交互的安全服务系统,直接承担着地铁安全稳定运行的重要责任。

    As a security and service system which interacts with passengers directly , car multimedia information system bears the most important responsibility , the safety and stable operation of the subway .

  27. 该文介绍了将城镇土地估价、地价信息管理与先进的计算机技术有机结合,研制开发多功能可视化城镇土地估价多媒体信息系统的设计思想及实现方法。

    The paper deals with the design and realization of multi - functional computer information system which combines land pricing , land - price database information management and advanced multimedia computer technology together .

  28. 介绍了多媒体信息系统和概念建模,探讨了在多媒体信息系统下面向对象的概念建模技术,并具体应用ORD/OOD建模方法开发了一个网上购物信息系统。

    The paper introduces multimedia information system and concept modelling technology , discusses the object-oriented concept of computer information system and develops a net shopping information system by using modelling method of ORD / OOD .

  29. 基于WINDOWSCE平台的无线多媒体信息服务系统开发及应用

    Design of wireless multimedia message service system and application based on Windows CE platform

  30. 基于QoS的网络多媒体信息检索系统

    The QoS-based Network Multimedia Information Retrieval System